The Current Buzz Newspaper VOL 2 ISSUE 7 | Page 16

The Current Buzz Vol 2 Issue 7 Page 16 The BLUNT Truth Beyond Brownies by Amy Addams the gist of the genesis of edibles – Decarboxylation or Decarbing The purpose of our recipes is to help you work with Medical Marijuana (or MM for spacing reasons) when you don’t want it in your lungs. We do our best to give you all you need to rock your recipes with minimal fuss and equipment, but if you are going to make edibles, you need to decarboxylate your MM. If you do it right and take your time, decarbing is no big deal. You got this. What is Decarboxylation (AKA: Decarb, Decarbing) is the oldest organic chemical reaction around, along with its opposite reaction, photosynthesis (carboxylation). When cannabis releases carbon dioxide and water on a cellular level, THCA from the plant is converted to THC, smoking MM does this through heat; and when it goes into your lungs, it releases the THC. Baking it in the oven does this as well, but the THC stays with the MM. THCA can also convert to THC by aging MM in a dark place (doing the opposite of photosynthesis) for a REALLY long time. If you are interested more in the science behind it, Wikipedia has a well-written description. Tip: DO NOT buy ‘pre-decarbed’ buds from a local dealer offering you a too-good price. It’s a scam. They took most of the little THC crystals produced by decarbing. You will need: • Medical Marijuana (we have an ultra- easy Cannabutter recipe too) • TWO baking pans (metal or glass are great, disposable aluminum are not recommended), one should fit inside of the other easily. • aluminum foil • parchment paper (not necessary, but great for protecting your buds from scorching, browning too fast and keeping your crystals from sticking to the pan. It is also good for seeing everything after you’ve decarbed. It’s $4 per roll at WalMart, has other uses, you have over $100 of MM. Don’t get cheap. • An oven in good working order (not a toaster oven) • An oven thermometer (optional, if you have an oven you know is accurate) • A timer • Optional: EverClear, used to stop Cannabutter from becoming green, we’ll explain later, just get a little $2-3 one that holds a tablespoon’s worth. If you take to decarbing, you can buy more later • Optional: spray bottle for Everclear (see previous item, above). You can use a spoon if you need to. Thanks to High Times for this tidbit of info. It truly works! Instructions: Turn the oven to 240 degrees Fahrenheit (115 C) to preheat. Put the smaller baking pan inside the larger. (WHY? It provides an insulation against rapid heating and allows crystallization to happen unimpeded by heat. Using one pan, the oven turning on its heat (as a quick blast to keep its temperature up) interrupted the process. That extra pan really helped protect the bud from rapid heating/cooling. Cut a piece of parchment to fit inside the smaller pan and place it inside. Over the parchment, break your buds into small pieces about the size of M&M’s or a fingernail. You will want to pull out larger stem bits and set the seeds in aside (You may have future baby plants there). Make sure the marijuana is a thin layer with no overlaps yet close together. If you use a processor, go gentle. You want it lumpy. Tear off a piece of foil to fit over the pan and cover. Bake for one hour, turning at 35 minutes (that’s what worked best, I don’t know why). Remove from oven and remove foil cover. Place on a cooling rack and allow to cool for 10-12 minutes. Spray lightly with Everclear in spray bottle. WHY: Everclear breaks down some of the cellulose (what makes plants green), thereby keeping the Cannabutter from becoming too green. Be real: green chocolate chippers are pleh. You can also spoon Everclear lightly over the decarbed MM and mix it around if you only have spray bottles of questionable origins. Make Cannabutter: Since you’ve stunk up the house, might as well go for broke. We have a simple Cannabutter recipe that anyone with a pulse and a slow cooker (Crock Pot) can make. You will do better with a smaller Crockpot than a larger one (about $15-20 at WalMart), so if you are serious about future edibles, they’re worth the money. For every pound of Cannabutter, you need one- ounce MM (keeping in mind your dosing): 1 pound butter (four sticks, 16 ounces) to one- ounce MM (28 grams) ½ pound butter (2 sticks, 8 ounces) to ½ ounce MM (14 grams) ¼ pound butter (1 stick, 4 ounces) to 1/4-ounce MM (7 grams) After you’ve sprayed Everclear on your MM, you will want to let it cool another 20 minutes. During that time, unwrap sticks of butter into