The Current Buzz Newspaper Two 1 | Page 6

ENTERTAINMENT BUZZ OPED: A view from the curb I’m not really sure if the Gun Grabbers will ever understand that no matter how hard they try, or how many words you write on a piece of paper, or how many protests and parades of fools you have, crime, be it with a gun, a knife, a bomb or a computer, criminals will be criminals. Nothing will change until humanity changes. We already have laws that prevent the sales of guns to felons and convicted, and other people that the government and our law 6 | makers have decided to not be allowed to own a fire arm. It’s also a law that if caught with a firearm, they will be charged and convicted for that offense, too. But for some unknown reason, these bad guys keep getting guns and committing more crimes. I don’t think that adding more laws to the books is the answer. I say this because the cities with the most strict guns laws statistically have the highest gun violence. It seems when the bad guys know that the people can’t defend themselves that it’s easy pickings (that’s kind of like being a bully, so we should write some laws against bullying). So it’s my take that you can’t fix the problem with more legislation. Laws only apply to law abiding people. It’s illegal to drink and drive, yet people do it every day and people die every day because of it! In 2015, the number killed by drunk driving and the number killed by gun related homicide were very close to the same, yet I don’t recall the left calling for more legislation every time there is a car wreck. The car didn’t kill anyone, just like the gun can’t kill without someone pulling the trigger. It seems like we have a people problem. Both of these areas, guns and vehicles, are highly regulated and legislated. I don’t think piling some more feel good, waste of time law is going to do anything to help prevent crime from happening. Do I have an answer to how we can fix this? No. Sadly enough, I don’t think things will ever change or get any better. As a matter of fact, I believe things will only get worse from here forward. We can’t rely on the laws to keep us safe anymore and I personally have no reason to believe the police are going to be any help (I’ll cover my reasoning in a later article). The government has become so corrupt that they will be no help and the Gun Grabbers just keep thinking that taking all the guns away is the best idea. Tell me, how do we defend ourselves from the criminals and others that mean to do us harm? Tulsa has become a hot bed of violence and crime, and it seems to be steam rolling to another record year! What are you going to do when someone car jacks you or robs you or you have to deal with a home invasion? Call the cops? How about you inform the perp that