Photography by Sarah Seal.
NME Awards 2012.
Most people see music and fashion as being two totally different
things. People have to realise that
bands/music artists are the main suspects when it comes to influencing
their audience. Everybody within the
music industry tend to have their
own sense of style, they ensure that
they wear things that relate to the
music they produce. NME artists enjoy rocking a style that is seen as
being different and edgy, and the
clothing they wear influences all of
their listeners. NME talks fashion
introduces all the different styles
that NME bands portray, and keeps
the readers up-to-date on the latest ‘band trends’. being influenced
by your favourite artists isn’t a bad
thing, it shows passion and enthusiasm, this supplement magazine is
here to sustain this passion, and to
sustain this enthusiasm.
Noel Gallagher: wearing a leather
jacket, with a wool collar, and a
buttoned shirt.
Editor: Emily Bennett.