Split Lunge Jump
Begin in a lunge position with
your right leg out in front of your
left. Lower yourself down to the
bottom of the lunge, assuring
your right knee remains at 90
degrees and is directly above
your right ankle. Next, quickly
jump out of the lunge position
as high as you can. While in
the air, switch your legs so that
when you land your left leg is
now in front of your right leg. As you hit the ground, make sure to once again absorb the landi ng by
keeping your knees and feet soft. Complete 3 sets of 15 reps and you will feel a great burn in your legs.
Frog Jump
To complete this explosive
exercise, begin in a squat
position with your hands
down between your legs
and your head and chest
facing straight ahead.
Next, jump as far as you
can forward, while once
again landing softly to
absorb the blow. When
you land, make sure
to land in the starting
position. From here, take
a moment to ensure you are in the correct stance, and jump again. Repeat the jumps for forty feet,
keeping in mind how many times you take to jump that far. Each time you do this exercise, your goal
should be to do it in one less jump than the last time.
These exercises are meant for explosive power, which is one of the key components to driving distance
in golf. If you are tired of being the shortest driver in your foursome, make sure you are completing these
exercises at least 3 times a week.
These are high-level jumping exercises, so please consult with a physician to confirm that you are
healthy enough to safely perform these exercises. If you are unable to safely perform them, or have
questions about golf specific physical therapy/performance training, please reach out to me at Kevin@
thegolfdpt.com or visit my website www.theGolfDPT.com. Also please check out my instagram, where
golf-specific exercises are posted regularly! @thegolfdpt
[email protected]
CSGA Links // September, 2017 | 17