The CSGA Links Volume 5 Issue 1 April 2017 | Page 19

As an entrée into the realm of the mental game , consider the following : In order to control your performance , you must first be able to control yourself . This statement is the fundamental doctrine of Sports Psychology and should be the central organizing principle for your upcoming season . It doesn ’ t matter how technically sound your swing is , or how physically fit you are , without accurate awareness of both your mind and body and the subsequent ability to control it , you will never achieve your full potential as an athlete . In my experience , accurate awareness leads to choice . Inaccurate awareness leads to guessing , which in turn leads to frustration , self-doubt , and hours of ineffective practice and time wasted on the course .
So , in terms of developing accurate self-awareness and self-control , what are the psychological characteristics you need to be on the lookout for that will help improve your performance ? According to research by Krane and Williams ( 2006 ), the following is a list of some of the most well researched psychological characteristics associated with elite athletes and peak performance :
Self-efficacy – Elite athletes have higher confidence both in themselves and their abilities , they have greater expectations of success , a more positive attitude and express more positive selfstatements when compared to less successful athletes .
Concentration , Attention , and Focus - Elite athletes have strong performance focus , are better able to stay present to the task at hand , have better attention control and refocusing skills when they do get distracted as compared to less successful athletes .
Arousal regulation – Elite athletes are better able to monitor and fine tune their level of physiological arousal to an optimal state leading to peak performance , have developed welllearned and automatic coping skills to deal with sub-optimal levels arousal , and unlike less successful athletes , elite athletes peak under pressure .
Emotional regulation – Elite athletes cope well with perceived stress , are able to effectively control their emotions being aware of which ones interfere with performance and those that enhance it . Elite athletes view anxiety as facilitative and welcome it as a natural part of competition . They report low levels or worry , and strong feelings of being in control when compared to less successful athletes .
Mindset / Attitude – Elite athletes have a growth mindset viewing difficult situations as challenging and exciting , and failure as an opportunity to learn . They are optimistic , have positive attitudes and cognitions , and are realistic in their evaluations of their performance . Elite athletes are better able to control their thinking and develop thought control strategies to reframe adversity . They recognize the importance of working on their weaknesses and are intrinsically motivated .
Grit – Elite athletes are gritty , determined , and fully committed to the process . They are disciplined , mentally tough , competitive , and play without fear . Elite athletes are willing to make sacrifices to achieve their goals , and humbly strive for perfection knowing they may never reach it .
www . csgalinks . org CSGA Links // April , 2017 | 19