The CSGA Links Volume 1 Issue 3 June, 2013 | Page 18

Anchor ’ s Away

USGA , R & A Announce Final Approval of Rule 14-1b Prohibiting Anchored Strokes
The United States Golf Association ( USGA ) and The R & A , golf ’ s governing bodies announced the adoption of Rule 14-1b of the Rules of Golf that prohibits anchoring the club in making a stroke . The new Rule will take effect on January 1 , 2016 , in accordance with the regular four-year cycle for changes to the Rules of Golf .
Rule 14-1b , which was proposed on November 28 , 2012 , has now been given final approval by the USGA and The R & A following an extensive review by both organizations . The decision to adopt the new Rule came after a comprehensive process in which comments and suggestions from across the golf community were collected and thoroughly considered .
The USGA and The R & A have prepared a detailed report to explain the reasons for the decision to adopt Rule 14-1b . The report explains the principles on which the Rules of Golf are founded , why freely swinging the entire club is the essence of the traditional method of stroke , and why anchoring is a substantially different form of stroke that may alter and diminish the fundamental challenges of the game . It points out that the Rule will still allow the use of belly-length and long putters and that a wide variety of types of strokes remain for players to use .
The report concludes that the new Rule should not adversely affect participation in the game , that it is not too late or unfair to require players to comply with it and that it will remove concerns about any potential advantage that anchoring provides . It also makes clear that one set of Rules is essential to the future health of the game . 14-1b Anchoring the Club In making a stroke , the player must not anchor the club , either “ directly ” or by use of an “ anchor point .” Note 1 : The club is anchored “ directly ” when the player intentionally holds the club or a gripping hand in contact with any part of his body , except that the player may hold the club or a gripping hand against a hand or forearm . Note 2 : An “ anchor point ” exists when the player intentionally holds a forearm in contact with any part of his body to establish a gripping hand as a stable point around which the other hand may swing the club . Above : Permitted Putting Strokes
18 Connecticut State Golf Association