We always welcome suggestions from our members on how we can improve PMI Sydney Chapter’s operations. Several of you have contacted us to enquire whether it would be possible to synchronise the PMI Sydney Chapter website log in with the PMI.org account so that you only have to remember one set of log in details.
Whilst this options is currently unavailable, we are working with our technology partner and PMI.org to bring this improvement to our members as soon as possible. We will keep you posted!
In the meantime, we can suggest the following workaround. You do have an option to set up matching log in details manually yourself by updating your PMI Sydney Chapter website username and password to match your PMI.org log in details. To change your username and/or password for the PMI Sydney Chapter website, log in to the PMI Sydney Chapter website, go to "My Account" under "User Menu" located on the left hand side banner, hover above the Edit button and select “Update Your Profile”.
Please note that your preferred email for PMI communications can only be update via your PMI.org account.
By Maja Kowalski, PMI Sydney Communications Director
It’s my great pleasure to welcome two new volunteers to our communications team:
Joan Amuda joins us as an Assistant Editor of The Critical Path newsletter. Joan works alongside Saradhi Motamarri, a veteran of the PMI Sydney communications team, to produce this bi-monthly publication ensuring a high quality content and presentation. Joan has just finished her post graduate degree in project management and has some amazing stories to share from her experience working for the Horn of Africa Relief and Development Agency.
Leire Ituarte has been assisting us with improving our systems and publications with the latest technology gadgets and collaboration tools. She’s the one behind the new look of of this online newsletter Leire’s brought extra innovation and creativity into the team and is an absolute pleasure to work with. Leire came to Australia from Spain only a few months ago and she loves mountain biking.
It’s great to have you both on board!
I would like to thank my team for their ongoing commitment and doing such a great job to ensure that we keep our members informed and engaged. You can view team member profiles on the chapter website.
Don’t forget to connect with us on Twitter (@PMISydney) and Facebook, and join our LinkedIn Group (PMI Sydney Chapter).