The Crest July 2015 | Page 14

The Crest Academies got involved in an exciting course called Humanutopia which helps young people to reflect on their lives. All year groups participated in this exciting event to help children think about their future, choices, actions and how to deal with problems. It was eye-opening to many students, as most were unaware of how their actions reflect not only on themselves, but everyone around them.

Some Year 9 and 10 students played an amazing role as heroes, taking on a huge responsibility. Heroes are positive role models who help in organising the same activities they participated in for younger years. Here is what some heroes had to say about this experience:

“I joined Team Hero because I wanted to be able to improve as a person and help as many people as I could. I am glad I did as the experience so far has been very helpful” said Manar.

“Team Heroes has given me an opportunity to take responsibility, and a great way to start my career path (teacher)” said Kauthar.

Human Utopia have been to many schools and have always received a positive response on their social media. We are very thankful for such an amazing experience.

Tears were shed, friends were made, and stories were shared. At the end of the week, everyone learnt something new, and many have changed for the better. We hope to see them again and maybe a perfect world can be achieved.

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actions and how to deal with problems. It was eye-opening to many students, as most were unaware of how their actions reflect not only on themselves, but everyone around them.

Some Year 9 and 10 students played an amazing role as heroes, taking on a huge responsibility. Heroes are positive role models who help in organising the same activities they participated in for younger years. Here is what some heroes had to say about this experience:

“I joined Team Hero because I wanted to be able to improve as a person and help as many people as I could. I am glad I did as the experience so far has been very helpful” said Manar.

“Team Heroes has given me an opportunity to take on a large responsibility, and it is a great way to start my career path - I want to be a teacher in the future.” said Kauthar.