in 1 Peter 3:3-5. There, the Apos-
tle admonished that our worship
of God should “not be the out-
ward adorning of plaiting the hair
and of wearing of gold, or of put-
ting on of apparel...” Rather we
should follow hard after the Lord
and live our lives according to His
precepts. The scriptures states,
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God
and his righteousness, and all oth-
er things will be added unto you.”
in this world, there is no hope. One
day, this body will be discarded and
the inner man will be called up for
judgment. That should be our fo-
cus, not on the body that will be
wasted here.
Samuel is a deacon in his local
church and looks forward to get-
ting into full time ministry by the
grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Un-
til then (and even beyond then)
he sees the world as his pulpit. As
the Spirit leads him, he is resolved
to preach the message of the gos-
pel of the kingdom of God, get-
ting people ready for the second
advent of the Lord Jesus Christ.