earned; it is bestowed as a gift be-
cause of grace (Ephesians 2:8-9).
This grace must be received by
faith especially because it is un-
deserved (Rom. 4:16). However,
for those who take the grace for
granted, he cautions, “I do not
frustrate the grace of God; for if
righteousness come by the law,
then Christ is dead in vain.” (Gal.
Dear reader the grace of God is still
free! He made it available through
the death of Christ on the cross of
Calvary for you and I and it is still
available today. Notwithstanding
its free and available we must re-
mind ourselves that we don’t have
all the time in the world. Hebrews
3:15 reminds soberly to respond
TODAY i.e. act promptly. For the
reader who does not know Christ,
the grace is available just as it
was available during Noah’s time
as recorded in Hebrews 11:7. The
‘ark’ of salvation is still available
through grace no matter how far
you have gone (Isaiah 1:18)
Also for the Christian who is strug-
gling in the faith walk grace is still
available when you confess your
sins (1 john1:9) Receive the grace
of God today by faith and walk in