Grace, defined as, ‘favor or kind-
ness, shown without regard to the
worth or merit of the one who re-
ceives it and in spite of what that
same person deserves’ is one of
the key attributes of God. When
the man of God – Moses – took
the blank tablets to God for the
commandments to be re-written
on them, the Lord declared “…the
Lord God, merciful and gracious,
long-suffering and abounding in
goodness and truth” (Exo. 34:6).
Grace, thus, more often than not,
is associated with mercy, love,
compassion, and patience.
the Old Testament is the redemp-
tion of the Israelites from Egypt
and their establishment in the land
of promise. According to Moses,
this did not happen because of any
worth on Israel’s part but in spite
of their unrighteousness (Deut.
9:5 – 6). In the New Testament, on
the other hand, the grace of God,
in the person and work of Jesus
Christ, was supremely revealed to
a fallen world. Indeed, Jesus was
the very embodiment of grace
(John 1:14) though He was also
a beneficiary of this same grace
(Luke 2:40). By His death and res-
urrection, Jesus brought salvation
An example of grace playing out in to mankind and restored the bro