The Creed Magazine (Sept. 2018) TCM Magazine (Sept.) | Page 44

‘negotiation skills’ especially in the face of apparent adversity? In the examples of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:23-34) and the faith of the Canaanite woman (Mat- thew 15:22-28) we realize they spoke based on ‘knowledge of di- vine will’. Jacob knew what God’s plan was and comfortably lever- aged it, while the Canaanite wom- an seemed to understand that Je- sus’s ultimate saving grace was for all men, irrespective of tribe or creed thus giving her the boldness to appropriate this truth for her- self! They negotiated effectively because they knew God’s will in the situation. Knowledge of God’s will for today is found in Christ. Colossians 2:3 af- firms this so we can confidently say that a sound knowledge of Christ, through His word will strengthen your negotiation skills! This is fur- ther confirmed in Colossians 3:16 and this knowledge will bring rev- elation, wisdom and insight and making us better negotiators at all levels.