The Creed Magazine (Sept. 2018) TCM Magazine (Sept.) | Page 29

with me but he didn’t. If a dog could trust me because I cared for him, how much more the love of God? The love of God is relent- less. The song writer said, “There is no shadow He won’t light up, no mountain He won’t climb, coming after me; there’s no wall He won’t kick down. told my Grandma that, I’m grown (23), I don’t want to be asking her for money every time rather I want to get assets and work for myself and doing something I love not white collar jobs. Grandma said, ‘Fine, take the back of the house. Make sure it’s nice, put your ken- nel there but don’t disturb us.’ Fast forward, this dog has caught TCM: How did you manage to take two thieves, (he has killed two cats care of your first dog? though). SGQ: Most of it came from my up- keep money and I had some sav- TCM: You trained them to what, ings. The only thing I wouldn’t catch thieves? touch was my tithe – that was a SGQ: He’s social, he can play with no-no. Sometimes I wouldn’t eat, kids but at night he’ll still do his other times I couldn’t give offer- job. Thank God for social media – ings in church but I knew it would there are pros and cons to every- pay off. I kept telling God that, ‘I thing. When I was a kid, I associat- prayed and you gave him to me, ed with people (my uncles, etc.) You give me the strength to sus- who had dogs and asked ques- tain him’. tions: how to feed them, how a dog behaves, reacts, etc. I have a “I told GOD that since He gave theory now that, the first 100 days of a dog’s life is very crucial, just me the faith to build a ken- like the foundation you give to a nel, He should give me a dog child will be what carries them. So before the end of the year” you socialize the dogs with chil- dren, with sound, things that it will When my uncle later saw him, he meet in future so that it would not could not believe the transforma- shy away from them on meeting tions that had taken place. them. I watch videos, and I get dog trainers to share what they know TCM: Where did you get such a with me (sometimes at a fee). fierce passion for dogs like that? My dogs teach me a lot. Riley Did your parents keep dogs? doesn’t even want people to raise SGQ: No, actually, they hate dogs. their voice at me. once a friend We are Ewes, we like cats. But I came by and we were having a