selves to be used by the Holy Spir- people who would do anything
it and not do things because they for the Lord, people who profess
have seen others do it.
to love the Lord but you will real-
ize that it didn’t go the way you
TCM: In music and ministry, who expected it to go but they are still
has served as your biggest influ- sons of God.
AT: In ministry, it would be Rev TCM: With the ministry at the cen-
Ephraim. I also have a spiritual fa- ter of everything, how much of
ther- Rev Hammond, he actual- your life is dedicated to your home
ly ordained me and has led me in and the time spent with family?
the phases. I have a loving moth- AT: It’s very demanding. Because
er in the Lord- Rev Joyce Obeng, to position yourself all over the
CCC. I have people like Kathryn world is a heavy task. But I am
Kulhmnan I look up to. On the lo- proud to say I do my best to spend
cal scene Becky Bonney is gen- time with my family. In the morn-
uine and someone I look up to. ing, we have devotion. And every
‘The Daughters of Glorious Jesus’ once in a while, my kids pop into
have been on the scene for so the room and find out how I’m do-
long but yet still powerful. I listen ing. I also make time to go to the
to Cece Twum, Diana Asamoah, market and cook.
Cece Winans whom I pick up a lot
of my messages from
TCM: Was there ever a time when
you questioned your ability to
TCM: Can you share with me the lead the church as a woman and
toughest lesson learned through- a mother?
out your ministry?
AT: Numerous times. Particular-
AT: When people have not stayed ly when you get to certain cross
faithful. To have lost people you’ve roads, and you’re thinking did I
brought up, people you’ve be- hear it right? Because it may seem
lieved in, people you’ve been there things are not working and I still
for- when they turn their backs on have opposition from all sides be-
you and forget. I had a few lead- cause I’m a woman. I walk into
ers God led me to train at branch- meetings I’m supposed to chair
es I had set up to work but I wit- and people turn around think “oh
nessed a lot of politics in ministry. she’s a woman” only to change
It has been a bad experience for their attitude after they realize
me. It has been very hurtful and what I have to offer. Over the
disappointing because these are years, I have become certain that