TCM: Was leading the church al-
ways something you had in mind?
If not, what sparked the idea to
move in that direction?
AT: I have always had the pas-
sion for this. My mother tells me
when I was young, I would gath-
er kids together and even bath
them! Back in school, I would be
the one to resolve issues among
my mates when they came up.
My Roman Catholic background
also contributed to this disposi-
tion and all in all I believe it was an
inspiration from God from birth.
TCM: I’m aware of your member-
ship and leadership role at Duna-
mis Centre before your ministry.
As you weighed out the deci-
sion to branch out on your own,
what were the biggest positives
and the biggest insecurities that
went through your mind during
the process?
AT: I believe there is a training
period in each of our lives and in
that instance I was fortunate to
work under a great man of God
in the person of Rev Ephraim. A
lot of the skill I developed were
mainly as a result of him giving
me opportunities to bring out the
best in me. He would put me on
the spot unexpectedly and ex-
pect me to perform! He was also
the kind who wouldn’t take “no”
for an answer. I recall telling him
once that I had had enough of
the responsibilities he was giving
me but he merely responded by
saying there’s nothing like ‘too
much’. Those were days when I
found myself in the choir, a pa-
tron of the youth ministry – I was
practically everywhere. What this
did though, was to give me expo-
sure and develop experience in
hands on training
TCM: How has your career path
in the past contributed to your
current position at The Abena Tay
AT: I’m an educationist, trained
as a nurse and child psychologist,
areas I believe I am called into.
This training has helped me a lot
because kids have different tem-
peraments and there are times I
realize that they need prayer and
counselling. This makes me more
proficient in what I love to do and
for me it translates into my godly
duties or calling. I wouldn’t real-
ly divorce the two
TCM: What projects are you par-
ticularly proud to have been in-
volved in throughout your minis-