The Credit Professional Winter 2018 Dec_2018_magazine | Page 9

continued from page 7 Banzai Teen’s Activity Kit is a replacement for printed Life Scenarios booklets. Do not worry: Life Scenarios is the same in the software. The new printed booklet includes three activities: Interview A Pro, Crossword Puzzle, and Banzai Swap. Interview a Pro In this activity we’re inviting students to meet you face to face, in your branch, and have a meaningful conversation about finance. Faced with the task of interviewing a professional in the community  —  a bank or credit union representative like yourself  —   teens fill out short essay questions designed to get them to think about money in a way that matters to them. young people a gift that will last forever. Banzai Swap Finally, the Activity Kit includes a trading game. In groups of seven, students trade cards blindly until one student nabs all of one card to win the round. They can play as many rounds as teachers like. The instruc- tions also include a host of fun ideas for introducing For example, students may ask, different styles of gameplay. “What are two financial goals teens should focus on for the Note: The Activity Kit will not future?” or they might say, include a sticker logo. As more “What’s your favorite thing teachers move to using the about working in the software exclusively, and as we financial industry?” ship almost all booklets directly to teachers, and as we’ve opted This is an opportunity to teach for a higher quality booklet, it students about money in the no longer made sense to put real world and how exciting it hand-made stickers on is to their reach goals. the covers. Crossword Puzzle Because, who doesn’t like crossword puzzles? The puzzle incorporates words from their vocab lists: What do you call money lent to you for a time? Which document shows gross and net pay? What is money removed from your account? Choose the terms and line them up. The Credit Professional Teaching Real-World Financial Literacy Using Banzai's unique technology, Credit Professionals International teaches students to navigate adult financial dilemmas with real-life scenarios. But supporting financial literacy is more than good business—it's about giving back. It's about giving 8 Teachers around the country are scrambling to meet state literacy requirements-with little to no financial help. Credit Professionals International is helping fill that gap with cutting edge software, interactive classroom materials, and professional presentations. Hopefully this overview of Banzai was helpful. If you wish to learn more see https:// If you would like to be a sponsor of Banzai, please contact the CPI coordinator Cindy Westenhofer at [email protected] or the president of the Credit Education Resources Foundation. December 2018