The Credit Professional Winter 2018 Dec_2018_magazine | Page 23
continued from page 21
just do one brain game a week.
In fact, a recent study showed
that older adults who did
crossword puzzles four times
a week had lower risks of
dementia than those who did
just one a week. Lumosity
has the same effect—they
recommend sticking to the
program at least three times a
week in order to reap the full
benefits. But we assure you it’s
all fun and games!
2. Find Your
Inner Explorer
It never hurts to venture
somewhere new. And for your
brain, it actually helps.
You can easily improve brain
functioning by just exploring
your hometown and finding
what all it has to offer. Change
it up and try a coffee shop you
never have before, or go to that
clothing store you’ve always
wanted to check out.
3. Learn Something New
Brain games? Check.
Exploration? Check.
What else?
that requires you to
strategize while also being
socially engaged.
So go for it and try that
instrument you’ve always
wanted to play, or spend some
Learn a new language. Well,
really just learn anything new! time with your friends speaking
a different tongue. Any new
Take a new class, pick up a
activity will get you well on your
new hobby, find a new
way to a healthier brain.
restaurant—anything new to
Kill two birds with one stone by spice up your life will only help Besides, variety is the spice
getting your daily exercise and keep you brain engaged and fit. of life!
exploring something new—go
4. Socialize!
for a walk to your local grocery A study published in the
store or farmer’s market and
New England Journal of
The best (and most fun) way to
try the latest seasonal produce Medicine found that ballroom
keep your brain healthy is to
(Both aerobic exercise and
dancing significantly impacts
trying something different have brain cognition in older adults socialize! This may come as a
surprise, but studies show
proven to help your memory).
because of the need to
that maintaining friendships
memorize dance steps, work
Exploration increases
with a partner, and synchronize and staying engaged in your
community will actually help
functioning in parts of
to the music. Learning a new
prevent cognitive decline and
your brain that deal with
language also drastically
diseases like Alzheimer’s. So
spatial orientation,
increases functioning in the
planning, organization, and
verbal, language, and memory take some time out of your day
to call up an acquaintance,
navigation. Whether you
parts of your brain.
meet a friend for lunch, even
discover a new route on your
host a party. Improving your
The Wall Street Journal
daily walk or you travel to a
health has never felt so fun!
different country, your inner
suggests learning a new
Of course, it’s not only
explorer is sure to keep your
instrument or playing games
brain sharper than ever before. like chess and bridge—anything important to keep old
Continued on page 23
The Credit Professional
December 2018