The Creative's Journal Volume 2 | Page 9

that Vivier played a major role in shaping it. Some of the shoe styles that I enjoy the most, the stiletto, thigh high boot and platform shoe, were all staples of his success. Shoe lovers and fashionistas alike are promised an overdose of inspiration through this exhibit. While in Toronto I also viewed several exhibits in the Art Gallery of Ontario. As in most museums, I truly get lost in awe witness what creative minds are capable of. Art museums are a playground for my imagination and they satiate my creative thirsts. As I meandered through the halls, taking in the works of artists worldwide, past and present, my admiration for every unique cultural perspective was never-ending.

From the sculptural works of Nigerian artists to the objects of vision of Michael Snow; from cubism and impressionism to modernism, AGO offers a wide range of artistic experiences for art enthusiasts. The most anticipated exhibit at the time was that of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. Frida and Diego were possibly among the most passionate artists of all time. Both were immensely passionate about their art as well as their strong beliefs. They gave their all through their interpretations of their worlds upon canvas. Frida’s tumultuous life was crippled by physical and emotional pain throughout. Diego’s life was dedicated to the wellness of his country Mexico. Both artists stood tall in their convictions about social and political issues. The exhibit reflected the life, love, passion and conflicts of Kahlo and Rivera.

I would encourage everyone to become acquainted with their stories, as it would encourage you as it did me, to stand strong in your beliefs and to fearless share of all of yourself, your passions and your pains in life with others. Each time we share a piece of ourselves, we not only are replenished to be even more than we were before, but we help someone else get through that valley we rose from.

C. Preau