The Cove Town Houses Brochure | Seite 2

121 122 123 124 125 The Cove offers a complimentary blend 126 Lot 107 Lot 108 Lot 109 Lot 110 of craftsman and farmhouse style 127 159 Lot 106 Lot 105 Lot 104 Lot 103 Lot 102 Lot 101 Lot 112 Lot 119 Lot 113 Lot 118 Lot 114 Lot 117 Lot 115 Lot 116 landscaping, add to the unique 130 157 156 Lot 120 metal roofing accents and full 129 158 Lot 111 architecture. Stone, cement siding, 128 character of the community. 131 155 132 154 133 134 135 148 149 150 151 152 147 153 146 145 144 Kimballs Lane (11800 South) 136 143 142 141 140 139 138 137