© Paul Cyr Photography © Paul Cyr Photography |
21-22 Nordic Trail Festival Presque Isle NordicTrailFestival . com
28-30 Danforth Summerfest Danforth DanforthMaine . org
28-8 / 6 Island Falls Summerfest Island Falls
29-8 / 6 Northern Maine Fair & Music Festival Presque Isle Bit . ly / NoMEFairgrounds
10-13 Mars Hill Homecoming Days Mars Hill HomeComingDays . org
11-13 Ploye Festival & Muskie Fishing Derby Fort Kent FortKentChamber . com
11 Poutine Palooza Madawaska StJohnValleyChamber . org
11-13 Railroad Museum Rail Fan Day Oakfield OakfieldMuseum . org
11-13 Van Buren Summer Festival Van Buren
11-15 Acadian Festival Madawaska AcadianFestival . com
12 Patten Lumbermen ’ s Museum Bean Supper Patten LumbermensMuseum . org
15 Whoopie Pie Festival Portage Lake Bit . ly / PLWhoopiePies
18-20 Annual Portage Lake Summer Round Up & Pig Roast Portage Lake Bit . ly / PLSleders
20 Tour de la Vallée Fort Kent Bit . ly / TourVallee
24-27 Crown of Maine Balloon Festival Presque Isle Bit . ly / MaineBalloon
25 Potato Feast Days Houlton GreaterHoulton . com
18-20 Washburn August Festival Washburn
1 – 3 Loring Time Trials Harvest Event Limestone LoringTiming . com
1-4 County Bluegrass Festival Fort Fairfield CountyBluegrass . com
1-4 Old Home Days Sherman
9 Maliseet Indian Recognition Day Houlton Maliseets . com
15-17 Scarecrow Festival / UMFK Homecoming Fort Kent FortKentChamber . com
6 – 7 Haunted Woods Walk Presque Isle Bit . ly / PIHauntedWoods
14 Aroostook County Brew Festival Mars Hill Bit . ly / AroostookBrewfest
20-21 Haunted Lantern Tours , Presque Isle PIHistory . org
24 Santa Parade & Tree Lighting Caribou
25 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Fort Kent FortKentChamber . com
25 Santa Claus Light Parade Houlton GreaterHoulton . com
25 Christmas in the Park & Light Parade Madawaska
17 Main Street Mania Presque Isle Bit . ly / CAChamber
2 Holiday Light Parade Presque Isle Bit . ly / CAChamber
15-16 Victorian Christmas at the Estey House Presque Isle PIHistory . org
© Paul Cyr Photography
For more information about events in the region visit our website or call Judy at 888-216-2463 .
All information was accurate at time of publication . Dates and times may change without notice .