The Coshocton County Beacon May 12, 2022 | Page 28

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28 • The Beacon New Bedford Merchant Days May 12 , 2022

Nightingale Group pays final tribute to nurses

By Josie Sellers
According to Cindy Abood , once you are a nurse , you are always a nurse .
“ It ’ s a calling ,” Jackie Mason said . “ It ’ s in your heart .”
Abood and Mason , who are both retired nurses , are part of the Coshocton County Nightingale Honor Guard , which performs a special tribute for nurses at their funerals .
“ Debbie Graham had done one years ago , and then Diane Eastman started , and we grew from there ,” Mason said . “ I keep it going now . We have a wonderful program that we do .”
Linda Wells said during a funeral , they file in dressed in white and pay their respects to the deceased nurse .
“ It ’ s a tear jerker ,” Lori Mercer said .

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Abood said they put a white rose in the casket and have a little white nightingale lamp that they light and give to the family .
The entire ceremony only takes about two minutes and can be placed anywhere in the funeral service . Mason watches the obituaries for nurses , retired or still working , who have passed away and contacts funeral homes about doing a service for them .
“ We are planning a pamphlet to take to the funeral homes ,” Mason said . “ If I ’ m not here , anybody can do it . We all jump in and help .”
Families have provided great feedback about the service .
“ One time when we walked out , the husband grabbed my hand with tears in his eyes and told

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Josie Sellers
The Coshocton County Nightingale Honor Guard performs a special tribute for nurses at their funerals . Pictured are the following members : Linda Wells , Cindy Abood , Lori Mercer , Melody Albertson and Jackie Mason . The group also includes Kathie Kohler , Debbie Graham , Sherrie Eicholtz , Jo Ann Wolfgang , Lisa Jackson , Heather Stamper and Diane Eastman .
us not to stop doing this ,” Mason said .
Wells said , “ Being a nurse is a big part of who the deceased person was .”
One family shared the following with the group : “ The Nightingale tribute presented at the service of Bonnie Gardner was a thoughtful and heartfelt summation of nursing and of Bonnie ’ s everyday life . As a nurse , Bonnie would have appreciated the tribute since she was the epitome of the kind , gentle heart of a nurse , someone who we all went to when we needed a compassionate heart , a strong shoulder and sound advice .

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“ Anyone who has ever been a patient needing the kindness in a nurse ’ s smile , the heartfelt touch of the hand or the quiet calm during your personal storm understands the necessity of the nurses who bring it all together for those in need , and it was evident in the tribute . No one understands the nurse ’ s heart and mind like other nurses . The strength and calm in the storm and the cheerleader that nurses portray on the outside even when trembling on the inside .
“ Nurses laugh and cry with their patients , hold their hands in life and death , all the while applying knowledge and skills and oftentimes humor to the needs of the day , going home exhausted and hopeful that we ’ ve helped someone along the way . That
Nightingale light carried Bonnie home to the love of those gone before her , and the tribute was the final thanks for the dedication and selflessness she offered to all who had the good fortune to enter into her path . Thank you to the Nightingale group for your lovely presentation and reminder to those present how important Bonnie ’ s service was to us all .”
The group is always looking for more nurses to join .
“ You don ’ t have to be retired to be part of it ,” Melody Albertson said .
For more information call Mason at 740-623- 1167 or Abood at 740- 502-0578 .
“ The funeral homes have been very supportive of us , and we want to make sure we get the word out ,” Mason said .
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