The Coshocton County Beacon July 28, 2022 | Page 30

30 • The Beacon July 28 , 2022
separate order , may enter a deficiency judgement against the owner of record of a parcel for the amount of the difference ; if that owner of record is a corporation , the court may enter the deficiency judgment against the stockholder holding a majority of that corporation ’ s stock .
The permanent parcel number of each parcel included in such action ; the full street address of the parcel , if available ; a description of the parcel as set forth in the associated delinquent land tax certificate or master list of delinquent tracts ( a complete description of the parcel can be reviewed at the clerk of courts office ); a statement of the amount of the taxes , assessments , charges , penalties , and interest due and unpaid on the parcel ; the name and address of the last known owner of the address of the last known owner of the parcel as they appear on the general tax list ; and the names and addresses of each lienholder and other person with an interest in the parcel identified in a statutorily required title search relating to the parcel ; all as more fully set forth in the complaint are as follows :



This Exhibit incorporated the use of Coshocton County ’ s Permanent Parcel Number System in lieu of a complete legal description as to the following parcel . The complete legal description to the following parcel may be obtained in the office of the Recorder of Coshocton County , Ohio in the document or documents found at the Deed Books and page numbers or other volumes cited below .
1 ) Parcel Number : 041-00000437-20 ADDRESS : COUNTY ROAD 436 FRAZEYSBURG , OHIO 43822 Amount Due : $ 1,142.15 , plus any other amount of taxes , assessments , charges , penalties and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in the foreclosure proceeding .
Last Known Owner : Name : Gary Plunkett Address : 15733 County Road 436 Frazeysburg , Ohio 43822
Name and address of each lienholder or other person with an interest in the parcel : Name : N / A Address :
2 ) Parcel Number : 041-00000437-01 ADDRESS : 15733 COUNTY ROAD 436 , FRAZEYSBURG , OHIO 43822 Amount Due : $ 1,832.72 , plus any other amount of taxes , assessments , charges , penalties and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in the foreclosure proceeding .
Last Known Owner : Name : Gary Plunkett Address : 15733 County Road 436 Frazeysburg , Ohio 43822
Name and address of each lienholder or other person with an interest in the parcel : Name : All Current Tenants Address : 15733 County Road 436 Frazeysburg , Ohio 43822




Any person owning or claiming any right , title , or interest in , or lien upon , any parcel of personal property above listed may file an answer in such action setting forth the nature and amount of interest owned or claimed an any defense or objection to the foreclosure . Such answer shall be filed in the office of the undersigned clerk of the court , and a copy of the answer shall be served on the prosecuting attorney , on or before August 25 , 2022 .
If no answer is filed with respect to a parcel listed in the complaint , on or before the date specified as the last day for filing an answer , a judgment of foreclosure and forfeiture will be taken by default as to that parcel . Any parcel as to which a foreclosure and forfeiture is taken by default shall be sold for the satisfaction of the taxes , assessments , charges , penalties , and interest , and the costs incurred in the foreclosure and forfeiture proceeding , which are due and unpaid .
At any time prior to the filing of an entry of confirmation of sale , any owner or lienholder of , or other person with an interest in , a parcel listed in the complaint may redeem the parcel by tendering to the treasurer the amount of the taxes , assessments , charges , penalties , and interest due and unpaid on the parcel , together with all costs incurred in the proceeding instituted against the parcel under section 5721.14 of the Revised Code . Upon filing of any entry of confirmation of sale , there shall be no further equity of redemption . After the filing of any such entry , any person claiming any right , title , or interest in , or lien upon , any parcel shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any such right , title , or interest in , lien upon , and any equity of redemption in , such parcel .
Camila J . Graham , Clerk of Coshocton County Court of Common Pleas , Coshocton , Ohio Answer Date : August 25 , 2022 ( Pub : CCB , July 14 , 21 , 28 , 2022 ) # Plunkett , Gary 2022CI0098
0210 Employment
ARMED SE CU RITY DRI VER / ES ‐ CORT . Look ing for pro tec tion for your fam ily or your self while out in the com mu nity ? Mil i tary Vet eran & Ac tive Shooter In struc tor Cer ti fied . Hourly / Daily rates avail able . Re sume and re fer rals upon re quest . Please call 330-600-1463 .
0220 Help Wanted
COU PLING & EQUIP MENT a fam ‐ ily-owned busi ness , is look ing for team mem bers who want to learn to op er ate CNC lathes , mills , ma chines , ro bot ics or be a part of the as sem bly di vi sion . Ac tion team mem bers work a day shift with flex i bil ity in their sched ule , re ceiv ing com pet i tive pay and ben e fits . With al most half of the pro duc tion team mem bers , being at Ac tion for more than 3 years , we have the ex pe ri ence to train the right can di dates . Stop in and fill out an ap ‐ pli ca tion at 8248 CR 245 Holmesville or send a re sume to : hr @ act ionc oupl ing . com .
SEMI-RE TIRED DRI VER / WORKER for Log ging Crew . David Miller . 330- 521-8281 .
AC TIVE CHI RO PRAC TIC IS look ing for a li censed Mas sage Ther a pist , good pay , flex i ble hours . Call 330- 674-4373 for more de tails .
CLASS A CDL Dri ver . Clean dri ving record , hon est and de pend able . Local and home every night , no week ends . Will ing to train , ( 330 ) 704- 0801 , Beach City , Ohio .
CLASS A CDL Dri ver . Clean dri ving record . Local and home every night . Haul ing logs , lum ber and equip ment . Will ing to train , ( 330 ) 704-0801 , Beach City , Ohio .
FULL TIME IN SUR ANCE agent wanted , Coshoc ton . Prop erty & Ca ‐ su alty ; li cense pre ferred but will train if nec es sary . Com pet i tive wage . Please send all re sume ' s to : The Bea con , Blind Box 1 , 226 Main Street , Coshoc ton OH 43812 .
HIR ING CLASS A CDL Haz mat , $ 75- $ 85k an nu ally . Paid health in sur ‐ ance . Two weeks paid va ca tion . Call 330-806-7191 .
LOOK ING TO HIRE a good-clean , 2 man-ex pe ri enced log ging crew . Local work . Call Brad Gal lion ( 740 ) 502- 4269 .
TRUCK DRI VER PO SI TION . Class A dri vers needed . Can di dates must have at min i mum 2 years ver i fi able ex pe ri ence . Dri vers are re quired to do daily pre-trip in spec tions , lift gate op er a tions , dri ver will un load trailer , mul ti ple drops , elec tric pal let jack pro vided , train ing avail able . Shut tle type po si tions are avail able as well . Dri ver can ex pect to be on the road 3-5 days . Brand new trucks , APU Equipt , power in vert ers , Sir ius radio . Mileage pay , stop pay . 401K match , com pany paid in sur ance , zero out of pocket , for dri ver and spouse . Top earn ers can ex pect $ 80- $ 100,000 + year po ten tial . Up to $ 10,000 a year in safety bonuses . Con tact Pleas ant Val ley Trans port LLC . ( 330 ) 466- 5130 . Leave mes sage .
0240 Employment Wanted
ARMED SE CU RITY DRI VER / ES ‐ CORT Ser vice . Look ing for peace of mind while you are out shop ping or din ing with your fam ily ? Mil i tary Vet ‐ eran & Ac tive Shooter In struc tor Cer ‐ ti fied . Hourly / daily rates avail able . Re sume and ref er ences upon re ‐ quest . Please call : 330-600-1463 .
0280 Business Opportunities For Sale
FOOD TRAILER FOR Sale , es tab ‐ lished local busi ness with sched uled events & in ven tory . Call for de tails : ( 330 ) 473-0132 .
MALL SPACE FOR rent at two malls in Berlin Snoop ers at 4715 Town ship Rd 366 and Coun try Edge at 4765 Town ship Rd 366 Berlin . Call 330- 466-0725 for pric ing and more in for ‐ ma tion .