The Coshocton County Beacon February 26, 2020 | Page 8

8 • The Beacon February 26, 2020 Vote yes for RV, invest in Vote yes in support of RV our kids and community Letter to the Editor: Why support the River View District tax levy on March 17? No one wants to pay additional taxes. Are there any considerations? Maintaining a school sys- tem is very challenging. Let’s face it: No one wants to pay additional taxes. In the future addi- tional tax dollars also may have to suppor t pr ivate schools too. Reports sug- gest Tr ump is cur rently touting his school choice a g e n d a . W h i l e s c h o ol ch oic e i s p e r s o n a l , d o you feel comfortable pay- ing for both private and public schools? At th is time perhaps passing the lev y won’t be so bad if the school choice agenda continues to be on Trump’s radar. A r e t h e r e c o n s i d e r- ations? Lack of suppor t may affect our local econ- omy. How? A company or business may be reluctant to consider an area where school support is lacking. At one ti me Coshocton County was thriving, but like many other areas, it is struggling even though Trump states our econo- my is great. Good jobs are needed in this area, another good reason to support this levy. Maintaining a school syst e m is ch a l le ng i ng. Not all individuals will be pleased with decisions or actions made by the board, administration or staff, but they can attend meetings and provide input. Hav- ing a very diverse school population requires spe- cialized personnel, as well as many other trained indi- viduals. While educational programming is the main focus in the school setting, there also are many social issues. Can we afford to cut staff and continue to ensure a safe and secure school environment? John Dewey, an American phi- losopher, psychologist and educational reformer, said when there is turmoil in society, there is turmoil in the school setting. Not passing this levy will result in a reduction of staff. Not only will edu- cational programming be greatly affected, but also the safety of students and school personnel may be jeopardized. Supporting t h is lev y, st udent s a nd staff in the district will be a great investment in our community. M.J. Ames Fresno Call 330.674.2300 for more info. Wish her a Happy Birthday with a Warm Fuzzy ad in The Bargain Hunter! Letter to the Editor: As River View voters go to the polls to vote on the lev y to raise money to replace the money lost through the closing of the AEP power plant, I encour- age them to consider the long-term effect their deci- sion will have on our stu- dents, our school district and our community. We know what the short- term effect will be as out- lined in the cuts that have been provided by the school district. These include fewer teachers, resulting in larger class sizes at the elementary level; fewer class options at the high school, caused by the loss of one Vo Ag teach- er, one English teacher, one social studies teacher and one foreign language teach- er; increased pay to partici- pate; doing away with one district PE teacher, one art position, one music position and one gifted intervention specialist; and several other cuts. Even more cuts will have to be made next year in order to balance the budget. For more news... These are only the short- term effects. The long-term effects will be more tragic. We currently have what I call a winning school dis- trict, one in which we have produced students who have went on to become outstand- ing citizens in our commu- nity and around the world. It is a district people want to send their students to and more importantly a place where people want to work. RV has been able to hire the best teachers because they know they are going to be working in a district that is considered one of the best. If this levy fails, that will change. The limited supply of teachers has made the hiring and retaining of teachers very competitive. Just like Indian’s all-star shortstop Francisco Lin- dor said in a recent article, being on a winning team is more important than money. A school district can have the most up-to-date technol- ogy and the best classroom programs, but if they do not have good teachers, the job of preparing our students for the future will not get done. In school systems per- sonnel is the most impor- tant factor. If RV starts los- ing their good teachers to other districts, it will start a downward spiral that will be hard to stop. Just like the Cleveland Browns, it is hard to make it back to the top once you start down. The RV community has reached a Y in the road. We can vote no on the levy a nd st a r t t he decli ne of our school district, or we can vote yes and keep RV School District a winning district that we can all be proud of. So please RV voters con- sider the long-term effect when you vote and vote yes in support of the RV income-tax levy. Dan Hothem Fresno log on to