The Coshocton County Beacon April 13, 2023 | Page 5

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April 13 , 2023 The Beacon • 5

Coshocton County Extension

Winter 2023 Highlights

We create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social , economic , and enviromental conditions .
College of Food , Agricultural and Enviromental Sciences
OSU Extension in Coshocton County hosted 2 pesticide and fertilizer sessions in January at the Roscoe Village Visitor ’ s Center . 59 producers completed their pesticide re-certification and 49 producers completed their fertilizer recertification . These producers farm over 29,000 acres in the region . 95.2 % reported they had improved their pesticide use practices as a result of their attendance at the pesticide education programs .
The Ohio 4-H Conference is held annually at the Ohio Convention Center for 4-H youth and volunteers across the state . They get to attend educational sessions and network with other 4-H enthusiasts from across the state . We had several volunteers recognized this year for years of service : Beth Mullen , Analea Smith , and Renee Wilden ( 20 years ), Patricia Bible , and Karin Moran ( 25 years ), Susan Brinker ( 30 years ), Debbie Endsley ( pictured – 40 years ), June Hunter ( 43 years ), Shirley Fry ( 45 years ), Elaine Ashcraft ( 46 years ), and Robert Buxton ( 56 years ). We had three teens and eleven volunteers attend from Coshocton County this year and they all learned something new to bring back to the county !
OSU Extension hosted the East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference in March . Over 80 women from 25 counties learned about best practices with livestock , specialty crops , farm management , communication , home , and family related topics . Seven women attended this annual event from Coshocton County .
Real Money . Real World . is a financial literacy program for teens . Emily Marrison , Family and Consumer Sciences educator , taught 35 students at the Coshocton Opportunity School over three days . Ten community volunteers and staff conducted a spending simulation designed to give the teens a chance to make spending and savings choices . 85 % of the students agreed that as a result of the program , they will now think through how their spending impacts other opportunities and choices .
Like us on Facebook ! OSU Extension Coshocton County , Coshocton County 4-H , and Coshocton County Master Gardener Volunteers coshocton . osu . edu
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