The Coshocton County Beacon April 13, 2023 | Page 37

April 13 , 2023 The Beacon • 37
MARELLI GEN ER A TOR . RATED at 240kw , 3-phase , 140kw 1-phase , comes with a Du raflex 60 cou pler . Like new con di tion . $ 3500 . Marathon 40kw 480-volt 3-phase Gen er a tor w / a Du raflex 30 cou pler . Good con di ‐ tion . $ 1500 . 330-231-2634 .
0506 Construction & Remodeling
AIR COM PRES SOR : 11 horse , bat ‐ tery start Honda . On slide with auto stop . $ 1,400 . Also 2 ea large air tanks , nice gray paint , works great . 330-275-7084
DU RA TION FLOOR COAT INGS , seam less con crete coat ings , poly prod uct for base ments , garages , shops , porches , pa tios , ken nels . Ben Miller , ( 330 ) 763-1736 .
Why are you waiting ?
DU RA TION FLOOR COAT INGS , seam less con crete coat ings , poly prod uct for base ments , garages , shops , porches , pa tios , ken nels . Ben Miller , ( 330 ) 763-1736 .
DY NAMIC STONE SPE CIAL IZ ING in Stone Ve neer in stal la tion . 10yr . ex ‐ pe ri ence . New con struc tion , re model , etc . Call May nard for a free quote ( 330 ) 464-4366 .
CON SIDER GER MAN SHMEAR over brick or stone . 45yrs ex pe ri ence in ma sonry , spe cial iz ing in real stonework . Ver non Troyer , 330-763- 0585 .
RE LI ABLE EX CA VAT ING LLC . We are a fam ily owner and op er ated ex ‐ ca va tion com pany look ing to add new clients to our 2023 sea son . We spe cial ize in ex ca va tion ser vices in ‐ clud ing land clear ing , grad ing , drainage so lu tions , horse are nas and site prep . Call Re li able Ex ca vat ing for your free es ti mate . We look for ward to hear ing from you ! 330-464-6363 .
0517 Excavating Services
R . A . K . EX CA VAT ING . DRI VE WAYS , build ing-sites , new ponds , pond clean out , wa ter way clean-outs , landclear ing , fin ish-grad ing , spring de vel ‐ op ments , de mo li tion , and more . Friendly re li able ser vice . ( 330 ) 600- 0091 .
0545 Landscaping / Lawn Care
DAVE ' S LAWN CARE , grass mow ‐ ing , bushes and tree trim ming . 740- 295-4933
LAWN ROLLING SER VICES . Have us come roll your lawn . Call 330-275- 6646 .
From bow wow to the cat ’ s meow … check out the pet classified ads !
SPE CIAL IZ ING IN RES I DEN TIAL Roof ing . Metal , Shin gle , Re pair , Re- Roofs , New Con struc tion , Fully In ‐ sured . Free es ti mates . Call Willis 330-231-6407 .
0595 Transportation Services
NEED A RIDE ? Pickup truck for 1 pas sen ger or roomy car for 5 pas ‐ sen gers avail able . Call 330-674-5473 to sched ule .
0596 Tree Service
BAD BOYS TREE Ser vice , LLC . Call us for a free es ti mate . Of fer ing tree re movals , crane work , lot clear ing and much more ! 330-275-9155 .
CLINE BROTH ERS TREE Ser vice , LLC , Re moval , trim ming , main te ‐ nance , lot clear ing , prun ing , stump grind ing , plant ing , and log ging . Free quotes ( 330 ) 407-1775 .
10MTH OLD AKC Irish Set ter Male . $ 600 . 2yr old Black & White Toy Poo ‐ dle Fe male . $ 500 . 330-231-2634 .
2-MINI AUS TRALIAN SHEP HERD black-tri males , 6mths old . $ 100 / each . Great farm dogs . 330- 621-3650 .
2 YEAR OLD Cock apoo male , 20 pounds . Has all his shots , chipped and is potty trained . Rings bell to go out side . Comes with all his ac ces ‐ sories , ask ing $ 500 . Call 330 347- 4856 .
0545 Landscaping / Lawn Care
Seven C ’ s
Lawn Service
Seven C ’ s Lawn Care offers :
Mowing Edging Trimming Blowing Flower Bed Maintenance We can be contacted Mon - Sat 8am - 8pm 740-294-0449
seven . cs . lawn @ gmail . com Facebook - SevenCs Lawn
3 BEAU TI FUL POM SKY Pup pies , male and fe male . Husky mark ings . 10wks old . UTD on shots and worm ‐ ing . Vet checked . Fam ily raised . $ 250 / each . 937-464-2143 .
3- BLACK , WHITE and Tan Aus ‐ tralian Shep herd Pup pies . Vet checked , UTD on worm ing . Ready to go , 1 male , 2 fe males . Lo cated in Wines burg . Not reg is tered . 330-275- 2243 .
4 POM SKY MALES . Pets only . Great pet to walk with . Real ac tive . $ 160 / each or all for $ 600 . Leave Voice mail at 330-621-2459 . Leroy A Miller , 11291 Salt Creek Rd , Fred er ‐ icks burg , Ohio , 44627 .
4YR OLD POM SKY Fe male w / 4-3wk old pup pies . All have nice husky mark ings . Great mother . Gen tle and healthy . $ 1100 / OBO . 937-464-2143 .
5 MONTH OLD Cav a lier male , ACA , Blenheim , $ 350 . 330-600-1735
5 YEAR OLD Bernese fe male , AKC , $ 100 . 330-600-1735
8 WEEK OLD red stan dard Gold en ‐ doo dle male . Up to date on all vac ci ‐ na tions and de worm ers . Vet checked at 7 weeks , very friendly . 234-286- 0015
ACA POMERAN IAN PUP PIES : Males and fe males avail able . Or ange sable male with 2 blue eyes . Blue merle male . Choco late merle male . Var i ous col ors avail able . Wal nut creek area , call or text 234 301-7424 .
AKC BOSTON TER RIER breeder males , $ 1200 . Also 2 AKC males and 2 fe males , 14 weeks , $ 2200 . UTD on vac ci na tions and worm ing . Par ents health checked . Crate trained , so cial ‐ ized with chil dren and other an i mals . Par ents are on premises . Call or text 740-358-2519 .
AKC CHOCO LATE MERLE Eng lish Bull dog Male . 1.5yr old . 65lbs . Proven pro ducer . Nice , young male . $ 4000 . 937-464-2143 .
AKC GOLDEN RE TRIEVER Fe ‐ males . Medium Golden , 2 avail able . Out of a Lit ter of 12 . Priced to Sell . Call or Text 330-231-7341 .
AKC REG FRENCH bull dog . Two male pups , red fawn , ready to go 3 / 31 / 23 . Ready for your Easter bas ‐ ket ! They are health guar an tee , first set of shots and wormed . Ask ing $ 2,500 . Please call or text to come meet the ba bies . 330-614-5627
AKC REG IS TERED MOYEN Dark Red Poo dle . His sire tested clear on Poo dle panel . $ 850 / OBO . 330-600- 9144 .
AKC ROT TWEILER FE MALE , 3yrs old . Had 1 liter of 9 . Good mom . $ 600 . Call 330-317-7260 .
AUS TRALIAN SHEP HERD BLUE merle male , stan dard size . Proven breeder with two blue eyes . Lov ing tem pera ment , $ 400 . 740-398-1801
BEAU TI FUL F1-B MINI Sheepadoo ‐ dle Fe male . 3yrs old w / 4 nice 4wk old pup pies . Great mother . Gen tle and healthy . $ 1250 / OBO . 937-464-2143 .
BERNESE MOUN TAIN DOG Male For sale $ 500.00 He is 2 years old and loves peo ple he will make a great pet or farm dog .. he is AKC reg is tered . call 330-473-3032 .
ES KIMO DOGS FOR sale ; One 5 year old male ; One 2 year old male and Two 2 year old fe males ; good breed ing stock ; call or text ( 330 ) 317- 4402 .
FE MALE FRENCH BULL DOG . 8mths old . DNA fluffy car rier , Is abella car rier , no brindle or pied in it ' s DNA . House broke . Beau ti ful sil ver blue . 740-295-9190 . Only if in ter ested .
GREAT PYRE NEES PUP PIES LGD , farm raised with goats and adults , vet checked with health cer tifi cates , UTD shots and worm ing , Wakatom ica Creek Farm , Bladens burg , OH 740- 668-2176 .
KEEP YOUR PET Safe with un der ‐ ground dog fence . Fast to in stall . Af ‐ ford able and it works well . Call for a free quote today . 330-749-5521 .
LABRADOO DLE PUP PIES . LIGHT to dark Apri cot col ors . 2 Fe males and 2 Males 13 Weeks . Ask ing $ 400 per pup 330-268-3315 .
LABRADOR RE TRIEVER PUP PIES . AKC reg is tered pure bred pup pies . Yel low , choco late and black . $ 500 / each . War saw , Ohio . Call ( 740 ) 502-5134 .
LOOK ING FOR AKC Golden Re ‐ triev ers , preg nant moms , lit ters and moms with young lit ters , to find great homes for . Please call or text Kyla 330-771-2178 . Thanks !
LOOK ING FOR LIT TERS of pup ‐ pies , all breeds , all sizes to place in lov ing homes . Call us at : ( 330 ) 466- 6178 .
Place your ad today !
LOV ABLE PUP PIES AVAIL ABLE . Cavapoo ' s , Bernese Moun tain Dogs , Berne doo dles , Irish Doo dles , Stan ‐ dard Poo dles and Mini Poo dles , ( 330 ) 407-1876 .
MINI AUSSIE 2 years old . AKC reg ‐ is tered . Has not been bred yet . Cycle started on April 9th . Make offer . 330- 521-8644
MINI BERNE DOO DLE TRI color males 3mo old 350 . ea . Call 330-231- 2253 , can send pics .
PURE BRED FRENCH BULL DOGS pup pies AKC reg is tered with full breed ing rights 1 male 1 fe male 18 weeks old house trained and crate trained only se ri ous in quiries $ 2,000 firm .( 330 ) 432-4254 .
WE ARE HIRING ! See section 0220
SHELTIE PUP PIES , 3-MALES , Born : 2 / 5 / 23 . Wormed and 1st shots . Ready to go ! $ 450 / each , ( 330 ) 521- 8525 .
STAN DARD BERNADOO DLE PUP ‐ PIES , 4 fe male , 3 males for sale . Avail able April 4th . UTD on all vac ‐ cines and de wormer . Mi crochipped and vet checked . For more in for ma ‐ tion , con tact Amy , 330-465-8742 .
STUD SER VICE : ACA Red Mini Poo dle male . 12 lbs , proven . Ser vice fee $ 250 , ( 330 ) 275-9101 .
STUD SER VICES BY hand some , full sire Pedi gree cer ti fied Great Dane . AKC pa pers avail able if needed for breed ing . 330-275-4548
TRI COLOR MINI Poo dle male , pet only , $ 20 . 330-621-4348


1101 Chesnut St ., Coshocton 740-622-3669 www . oldetownrealtyoh . com www . coshoctonauctions . com
VINYL DOG GIE DOOR In serts for sale . 10 " x10 ". Brand new ! $ 35 / each . ( paid $ 65 ) Call 330-275-8602 .
BABY CALL DUCKS . Snowy color , 4 wks old , $ 25 . each . Call ducks are a minia ture duck that will be ap prox . 2 pounds full grown . 330-621-4348
IM PORTED MAINE COON cats for sale a great op por tu nity with out the fuss of im port ing . please call me for more in for ma tion 740-255-4528 .
PURE BRED HAR LE QUIN HOL ‐ LAND Lop Buck , 9 months old , proven . He is com pact and small , nice form . $ 80 non pedi gree . ( 330 ) 317-5576 Or rville .
for " free " are some times ac quired by peo ple who use them as bait in train ing other an i mals to fights or for sci ence ex per i ments . Please help us to stop an i mal cru elty by ask ing a nom i nal fee for your pet to at tract a sin cere buyer .
0701 Agriculture
POUL TRY MA NURE AVAIL ABLE last week of April . Sug ar creek area , ( 330 ) 600-8136 .
We ’ ve got the services you need right here ! # 0500
4438648 655 Locust St . John Thomas $ 129,900
Dont miss this 2100 + s . F brick 2 story close to downtown . The home is handicapped accessible with a lift to access front porch and a chair rail to reach the 2nd floor . Beautiful oak floors and trim compliment the oak pocket doors ( one set of doors is solid oak and the other set is oak and glass .) The home is heated efficiently with hot water heating system that provides steady radiant heat . The 3rd floor has been partially finished and there are materials to finish if the new owners want additional storage or a playroom for the kids . The windows have all been replaced with vinyl thermapane units . There is a large covered porch on the front and a covered patio at the back of the home . The large back yard is fenced in with a small utility bldg . and has alley access .
4448755 43780 CR 75 John Thomas $ 129,900
Here is an opportunity to live in a beautiful country setting on a one acre site . The 2014 mobile home has been remodeled to include a new metal roof , custom wood ceilings and laminate flooring . There is a covered front porch to enjoy a quiet country evening . All appliances will transfer with the property . The well is on adjoining property with a deeded and recorded agreement for any work or repairs that may be needed . The home is not on a permanent foundation . there is also a small out bldg . for mowers or atv ’ s . Please allow 24 hrs for showing appointments .
4444844 825 S 2nd St John Thomas $ 69,400
Immaculate home in a quiet park in the city . This 2019 single wide offers many updates to include a Generac generator , large carport , storage bldg , custom wood stairs , and laminate floors . Stove , refrigerator , washer / dryer , microwave are only a few years old and in great shape and will stay with the unit . Buyers must apply with the park office and the lot rent is only 200 / month . Located in close proximity to groceries , shopping , recreation and employment centers . Home is vacant and ready for immediate possession .
John Thomas 740.502.4342