MARELLI GEN ER A TOR . RATED at 240kw , 3-phase , 140kw 1-phase , comes with a Du raflex 60 cou pler . Like new con di tion . $ 3500 . Marathon 40kw 480-volt 3-phase Gen er a tor w / a Du raflex 30 cou pler . Good con di ‐ tion . $ 1500 . 330-231-2634 .
0506 Construction & Remodeling
AIR COM PRES SOR : 11 horse , bat ‐ tery start Honda . On slide with auto stop . $ 1,400 . Also 2 ea large air tanks , nice gray paint , works great . 330-275-7084
DU RA TION FLOOR COAT INGS , seam less con crete coat ings , poly prod uct for base ments , garages , shops , porches , pa tios , ken nels . Ben Miller , ( 330 ) 763-1736 .
Why are you waiting ?
DU RA TION FLOOR COAT INGS , seam less con crete coat ings , poly prod uct for base ments , garages , shops , porches , pa tios , ken nels . Ben Miller , ( 330 ) 763-1736 .
DY NAMIC STONE SPE CIAL IZ ING in Stone Ve neer in stal la tion . 10yr . ex ‐ pe ri ence . New con struc tion , re model , etc . Call May nard for a free quote ( 330 ) 464-4366 .
CON SIDER GER MAN SHMEAR over brick or stone . 45yrs ex pe ri ence in ma sonry , spe cial iz ing in real stonework . Ver non Troyer , 330-763- 0585 .
RE LI ABLE EX CA VAT ING LLC . We are a fam ily owner and op er ated ex ‐ ca va tion com pany look ing to add new clients to our 2023 sea son . We spe cial ize in ex ca va tion ser vices in ‐ clud ing land clear ing , grad ing , drainage so lu tions , horse are nas and site prep . Call Re li able Ex ca vat ing for your free es ti mate . We look for ward to hear ing from you ! 330-464-6363 .
0517 Excavating Services
R . A . K . EX CA VAT ING . DRI VE WAYS , build ing-sites , new ponds , pond clean out , wa ter way clean-outs , landclear ing , fin ish-grad ing , spring de vel ‐ op ments , de mo li tion , and more . Friendly re li able ser vice . ( 330 ) 600- 0091 .
0545 Landscaping / Lawn Care
DAVE ' S LAWN CARE , grass mow ‐ ing , bushes and tree trim ming . 740- 295-4933
LAWN ROLLING SER VICES . Have us come roll your lawn . Call 330-275- 6646 .
From bow wow to the cat ’ s meow … check out the pet classified ads !
SPE CIAL IZ ING IN RES I DEN TIAL Roof ing . Metal , Shin gle , Re pair , Re- Roofs , New Con struc tion , Fully In ‐ sured . Free es ti mates . Call Willis 330-231-6407 .
0595 Transportation Services
NEED A RIDE ? Pickup truck for 1 pas sen ger or roomy car for 5 pas ‐ sen gers avail able . Call 330-674-5473 to sched ule .
0596 Tree Service
BAD BOYS TREE Ser vice , LLC . Call us for a free es ti mate . Of fer ing tree re movals , crane work , lot clear ing and much more ! 330-275-9155 .
CLINE BROTH ERS TREE Ser vice , LLC , Re moval , trim ming , main te ‐ nance , lot clear ing , prun ing , stump grind ing , plant ing , and log ging . Free quotes ( 330 ) 407-1775 .
10MTH OLD AKC Irish Set ter Male . $ 600 . 2yr old Black & White Toy Poo ‐ dle Fe male . $ 500 . 330-231-2634 .
2-MINI AUS TRALIAN SHEP HERD black-tri males , 6mths old . $ 100 / each . Great farm dogs . 330- 621-3650 .
2 YEAR OLD Cock apoo male , 20 pounds . Has all his shots , chipped and is potty trained . Rings bell to go out side . Comes with all his ac ces ‐ sories , ask ing $ 500 . Call 330 347- 4856 .
0545 Landscaping / Lawn Care
Seven C ’ s
Lawn Service
Seven C ’ s Lawn Care offers :
Mowing Edging Trimming Blowing Flower Bed Maintenance We can be contacted Mon - Sat 8am - 8pm 740-294-0449
seven . cs . lawn @ gmail . com Facebook - SevenCs Lawn
3 BEAU TI FUL POM SKY Pup pies , male and fe male . Husky mark ings . 10wks old . UTD on shots and worm ‐ ing . Vet checked . Fam ily raised . $ 250 / each . 937-464-2143 .
3- BLACK , WHITE and Tan Aus ‐ tralian Shep herd Pup pies . Vet checked , UTD on worm ing . Ready to go , 1 male , 2 fe males . Lo cated in Wines burg . Not reg is tered . 330-275- 2243 .
4 POM SKY MALES . Pets only . Great pet to walk with . Real ac tive . $ 160 / each or all for $ 600 . Leave Voice mail at 330-621-2459 . Leroy A Miller , 11291 Salt Creek Rd , Fred er ‐ icks burg , Ohio , 44627 .
4YR OLD POM SKY Fe male w / 4-3wk old pup pies . All have nice husky mark ings . Great mother . Gen tle and healthy . $ 1100 / OBO . 937-464-2143 .
5 MONTH OLD Cav a lier male , ACA , Blenheim , $ 350 . 330-600-1735
5 YEAR OLD Bernese fe male , AKC , $ 100 . 330-600-1735
8 WEEK OLD red stan dard Gold en ‐ doo dle male . Up to date on all vac ci ‐ na tions and de worm ers . Vet checked at 7 weeks , very friendly . 234-286- 0015
ACA POMERAN IAN PUP PIES : Males and fe males avail able . Or ange sable male with 2 blue eyes . Blue merle male . Choco late merle male . Var i ous col ors avail able . Wal nut creek area , call or text 234 301-7424 .
AKC BOSTON TER RIER breeder males , $ 1200 . Also 2 AKC males and 2 fe males , 14 weeks , $ 2200 . UTD on vac ci na tions and worm ing . Par ents health checked . Crate trained , so cial ‐ ized with chil dren and other an i mals . Par ents are on premises . Call or text 740-358-2519 .
AKC CHOCO LATE MERLE Eng lish Bull dog Male . 1.5yr old . 65lbs . Proven pro ducer . Nice , young male . $ 4000 . 937-464-2143 .
AKC GOLDEN RE TRIEVER Fe ‐ males . Medium Golden , 2 avail able . Out of a Lit ter of 12 . Priced to Sell . Call or Text 330-231-7341 .
AKC REG FRENCH bull dog . Two male pups , red fawn , ready to go 3 / 31 / 23 . Ready for your Easter bas ‐ ket ! They are health guar an tee , first set of shots and wormed . Ask ing $ 2,500 . Please call or text to come meet the ba bies . 330-614-5627
AKC REG IS TERED MOYEN Dark Red Poo dle . His sire tested clear on Poo dle panel . $ 850 / OBO . 330-600- 9144 .
AKC ROT TWEILER FE MALE , 3yrs old . Had 1 liter of 9 . Good mom . $ 600 . Call 330-317-7260 .
AUS TRALIAN SHEP HERD BLUE merle male , stan dard size . Proven breeder with two blue eyes . Lov ing tem pera ment , $ 400 . 740-398-1801
BEAU TI FUL F1-B MINI Sheepadoo ‐ dle Fe male . 3yrs old w / 4 nice 4wk old pup pies . Great mother . Gen tle and healthy . $ 1250 / OBO . 937-464-2143 .
BERNESE MOUN TAIN DOG Male For sale $ 500.00 He is 2 years old and loves peo ple he will make a great pet or farm dog .. he is AKC reg is tered . call 330-473-3032 .