The Coshocton County Beacon April 13, 2023 | Page 16

16 • The Beacon April 13 , 2023

Christian school hosts the African Children ’ s Choir

By Josie Sellers
Students , parents and special guests from Sacred Heart and Chili Crossroads were treated to the musical talent of the African Children ’ s Choir during a concert held April 5 at the Coshocton Christian School .
“ When we were presented with this wonderful opportunity to bring them in , we couldn ’ t say no ,” said Kelly Treat , who teaches art and music at the Christian School .
The African Children ’ s Choir “ Just As I Am ” tour combines traditional hymns with African cultural sounds . Concerts are free , but a freewill offering is taken to support African Children ’ s Choir education , care and relief , and development programs . In addition to performing at the Christian school , the choir did a concert for the public at the Coshocton Church of the Nazarene .
Timothy Kawuma was in the choir as a little boy , was educated by the organization and earned his degree in statistics . He traveled to Coshocton with the choir and helped teach attendees about Africa and life in
Uganda , where this group is from .
“ Uganda is known as the heart of Africa because it is so beautiful ,” Kawuma said .
He said they have a lot of grassland there and are
Josie Sellers
Students , parents and special guests from Sacred Heart and Chili Crossroads were treated to the musical talent of the African Children ’ s Choir during a concert held April 5 at the Coshocton Christian School .
known for Lake Victoria , which is one of the biggest in the world and feeds the Nile River . They also discussed the various animals found there , foods grown and how hot the weather is . After singing , dancing and a few culture lessons , attendees were picked to learn some moves and ask questions of their own .
“ I hope this was a wonderful culture and musical experience for you all ,” Treat said .
The school hosted the
Josie Sellers
Members of the audience were invited to come dance and play the drums with the choir .
choir members for lunch and planned to get a soccer game going because that is one of the children ’ s favorite games to play at home .
Kaya Bower , a fourthgrader at the Christian
See CHOIR Page 17

School Bus Drivers Needed

We will assist you with training to obtain CDL License ! Minimum Requirements :
� Must be a licensed driver with a good driving record � Must pass a Bus Driver Physical Exam � Must pass a Drug and Alcohol Test � Must Pass FBI / BCI Background Checks � Traditional & substitute needed � pay based on experience
Send application Packet to : Coshocton City Schools Office of the Superintendent 1207 Cambridge Road , Coshocton , OH 43812
Please include : � District Employment Application � Copy of any Licenses / Certifications


On Tuesday , April 25th , 2023 at 6PM , Southeastern Ohio Legal Services ( SEOLS ) will present information to prepare you for your senior years . The presentation will be held in the Community Room at the NEW Coshocton County / City Health Department at 637 Chestnut Street .
We will discuss how to make sure that your health care decisions are followed and how to choose who will make those decisions if you cannot . We ’ ll talk about what steps you can take now to make things easier for your family or loved ones after you pass .
Agenda Includes :
• Do you need a will ?
• How to create a simple will ?
• Financial Power of Attorney
• What to avoid ?
• When you need it ?
• How to cancel it ?
• Health Care Power of Attorney
• Living Will
• Donor Registry
• Property Transfers
Brought to you by Southeastern Ohio Legal Services , Coshocton Job and Family Services , and Coshocton County Probate Court .
Application at www . coshoctoncityschools . com under Menu-Quick Links-Employment