The Corvus Magazine 5th Edition | Page 42

While acknowledging that emerging technologies have played an enormous role in the disruption experienced in the world today, it is difficult to ignore the role played by millennials in proliferating disruption; and by extension their part in the creative destruction that continues to remodel the world as we know it, antiquating millions of jobs through automation, artificial intelligence, and the growth of platform economies while generating demand for millions more of new roles in data analytics, software engineering, app designing and security. That said, questioning whether millennials are destroying, or disrupting is a superfluous endeavour - emphasis should rather be placed on the impact that the adoption of technological advancement by millennials has on the society. Are businesses leveraging new technologies to better understand and enhance their business processes to remain relevant in the emerging digital economy? Are we, as individuals and businesses, leveraging the opportunities available to avoid being displaced in this era of exponential technological growth? References Business Insider, 2019. Millennials and their spending habits are wreaking havoc on these 18 industries. [online] Pulse. Available at:[Accessed 21 June 2019]. Carol Kopp, 2019. Creative Destruction. [online] Investopedia. Available at:[Accessed 16 June 2019]. David J., Hoppock, 2019. Insights On Creative Destruction and Technology. [online] Investopedia. Available at:[Accessed 16 June 2019]. Derrick Steiner, 2018. Digital Transformation: A Modern Form Of Creative Destruction. Digitalist by SAP, [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 June 2019]. Dev Nathan and Neetu Ahmed, 2017. Technological change and employment: Creative destruction. [pdf] India: International Labour Organization. Available at:[Accessed 17 June 2019]. John Howells, 2003. Technological competition, creative destruction and the 41 competitive process. [e-book]. Available a t : < h t t p s : / / p d f s . s e m a n t i c s c h o l a r. o r g / f411/49e6cab622417eee5588ff1758dbd2d8a878. pdf>[Accessed 17 June 2019]. Katie Nermoe, 2018. Millennials: The ‘wellness generation’. [online] Sanford Health. Available at:[Accessed 21 June 2019]. Priyanka Gill, 2018. Is Digital Going to Disrupt The Traditional Business? [online] India: Entrepreneur. Available at:[Accessed 16 June 2019]. Reid Cramer, 2014. MILLENNIALS RISING: COMING OF AGE IN THE WAKE OF THE GREAT RECESSION. [pdf] New America. Available at:[ Accessed 16 June 2019]. Visakan Veerasamy, 2013. How Social Networks Disrupted Traditional Media – Social media is NOT “media gone social”. [online] Referral Candy. Available at:[Accessed 20 June 2019]. Forbes (2015). 10 New Findings About The Millennial Consumer. Retrieved from danschawbel/2015/01/20/10-new-findings- about-the-millennial-consumer/#61b0528d6c8f Lauren Harrington (2018). 5 Disruptive Technologies Shaping Our Future. Retrieved from technologies-shaping-our-future/ Pew Research Center (2019). Millennial life: How young adulthood today compares with prior generations. essay/millennial-life-how-young-adulthood- today-compares-with-prior-generations/ Techopedia (2019). Digital Revolution. https:// revolution BBVA (2014). The Millennials Paradox. uploads/2014/12/141216_US_BW_ BankMillennials.pdf Jacob Morgan (2017). The Five Trends Shaping The Future Of Work. insights/articles/the-five-trends-shaping-the- future-of-work/ Investopedia (2019). Creative Destruction. Retrieved from terms/c/creativedestruction.asp University of California (2018). The Future of Work: The Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Jobs and Skills. Retrieved from https:// innovation-resources/dr-christine-articles/the- future-of-work.html The Corvus | September 2019