The Corridor Journal of Strategic Alliances Building Arts & Real Property | Page 6

Developers seek those parcels near transportation hubs, which RMF attorneys help them to assess, analyze, and shepherd through municipal approvals. “As important as our technical work is, we must also convince the community of the overall value of the project,” Leno states.  RMF’s practice groups for acquisition, zoning, land use, and municipal work together on political outreach before any deal is inked.   Multifamily housing does not get done on Long Island without a negotiated incentive package, in which the mortgage tax, sometimes a PILOT agreement (payment in lieu of taxes), sales taxes, all help to make the math work for industrial, office and residential developers.  Edward Ambrosino, Of Counsel, is the region’s leading IDA guru.  RMF assembles more IDA-incentivized deals than any comparable firm and NYS has the most IDA activity in the country, with its network of local agencies that intimately understand their home markets.  RMF worked at a sophisticated level with the two counties and some town IDAs on the Canon headquarters’ IDA package, and other mega projects for leading hotel and retail chains. For once both developers and the community were on the same side, when Mill Creek Residential, the project near a transit center represented by RMF was proposed. Higher density mixed use was acceptable to the community because a “seedy” motel−around which a toxic zone existed that businesses and pedestrians refused to enter− was slated for demolition to make way for the new housing.  When the firm represented a major developer that refinanced 46 properties spanning Nassau and Suffolk RMF attorneys work with local Industrial Development Counties, it became critical for the RMF team to work jointly Agencies to provide assistance to noteworthy projects.  with the two counties to shape a united and consistent IDA Ed Ambrosino, David Leno and Eric Rubenstein benefit package. Usually the IDAs work independently.   RMF, working with the IDAs, also closed on the expansion of a major Farmingdale manufacturer of precision valves used in aerospace, and a nationally recognized confectionary manufacturer and distributor, which acquired a warehouse facility in Hicksville. Manufacturing and distribution are often considered the highest value types of businesses for LI.  Another RMF-guided deal was the siting and closing for Atlantic Auto Group, an operator of multi-brand car dealerships.  One of the biggest municipal redevelopment projects in Nassau County history is Glen Isle, Glen Cove, a 6 partnership between master developers Renaissance Downtowns and RXR Realty, which RMF represents. Preceded by environmental cleanup of a brownfield, and set to break ground this year,  it is a multi-year project of 850 condo and rental residential units, retailers, offices, a hotel and conference center, plus cultural and streetscape components.  Getting a huge deal like this done, Rubenstein says, sets the stage for greater activity for other big projects that are to come.    Glen Isle sets another precedent in its incorporation of a new type of financing that has been around for a while but never used before in such magnitude in New York−until a legislative tweak gave it legs. The financing vehicle uses