The Cornerstone The Cornerstone February 2018 | Page 17

YOU S!!! THI RAK CLUB CE I N ’RE U O Y BY AVA DUNWOODY O VE ILE A H YOU ICE SM A N OL O C E R ’ U YO ne act of kindness can go a long way, and the Random Acts of Kindness (R.A.K.) Club is working hard to ensure positivity is spread throughout the halls of OLu and around the community. Katherine Urrego and Sydney Garcia, juniors, are Co-Presidents and founders of the club. “I wanted to do as much as I could to spread kindness because I know how much negativity there is in the world. I felt like other people might want to join me and be on that same mission,” said Urrego. Her and her friends turned that idea into a club that now has about 40 members. The R.A.K. Club meets on the first Tuesday of every month and focuses on planning and accomplishing service-based activities. “We do acts of kindness in school and then we do some outside of school. That allows students to get community service hours,” said Garcia. IR A H ’RE ICE U O Y KS N LOO A few things they have done in the past include the K IC Caught Being Kind wall in the 300 hallway and S R U selling candy grams during Christmas time. During Thanksgiving, they collected groceries to donate to a church in Los Angeles. In the future, they plan to get started on more service events outside of school in order to reach out to the community around them. A Y E V HA OD DA GO U O Y KE I L I For more information about the Random Acts of Kindness Club, or to join, email katherine.urrego@ Making a positive impact through being apart of the club “is a little thing we can do to spread kindness,” said Garcia, “no matter where it is at.” FOR Feature Page 17