Since the beginning of, Maricopa’s competitive cheer squad, AZ Fyrestorm, has been there creating highlights for us to follow. One of the first videos was in a backyard,
with pool equipment, outrageously blinding sunlight, and video
bombing kids. What should have been a nice little two minute video to edit, took a about a month or so to complete. However, we
were there for a monumental milestone as they opened the front
doors to their new facility. We are happy to say, that video was
shot and edited the same day. We have to thank them though for
not only participating in the early video projects, but for helping
to get out the word about us.
Sports and Cuts Barber shop opened up about a year ago, and
little did we know their one-minute video introducing themselves
would have a viral-like effect in the Copa, shooting their name to
the top of Google wit