Our first meme that kind of exploded for us on our
Hey Maricopa TV Facebook wall, was this one with
Bill Cosby, mocking Maricopa’s inability to receive
rain. For us, it is kind of like pulling the lever on a
slot machine, we never know which of our our memes
machine, we never know which of memes will
be a hit. When we last last looked about a year ago,
will be a hit. When we looked about a year ago, the
Bill Cosby meme had had received over 40,000 views
the Bill Cosby meme received over 40,000 views and
was was shared over a ccccthousand times. Wenever
and shared over a thousand times. We have have
had another one like that, but we but weitknowmatter
never had another one like that, know is a it is a
of timing, timing, with a heavy dose of truth to make
matter or mixed mixed with a heavy dose of truth to
something blow-up across social media. We are often
make something blow-up across social media. We
surprised surprised which memesand which ones are
are often which memes are hits, are hits, and which
duds. are duds.
Here though are some of the greatest hits!