The Content Advisory Issue 0 | Página 3




A test for a new kind of experience for teaching the

transformation of marketing into media operation.

Allow me to explain myself. I spend about 90% of my time writing, teaching and evangelizing the use of smart content strategies to make business (and specifically marketing and communications) more effective, more efficient, and more innovative in today's marketplace.

Centralizing all of the amazing thinking - especially that which centeres on the larger business transformation felt like an important thing to do. But it felt like it should be a different experience than simply a blog (though we'll no doubt make it available that way as well). And in looking at my favorite go-to experiences like the Harvard Business Review, it struck me that we could create something new. We could create an interactive magazine-like experience, that we could take to several levels.

This is Issue 0 of a digital experience (a magazine if you like) that aims to provide the big ideas around content and customer experience and how it's transforming business. We'll take this idea to physical events, corporate education and (of course) our digital hub. But this experience is an experiment. We want to create multiple access points into the content, and we figured this was one interesting way to do that. We hope you enjoy it.

If it works, our aim is to produce this experience monthly - with forward-leaning, big ideas that you won't find anywhere else. It's an experiment for sure. But we feel like it's an opportunity - a crisis if you will - and we're ready to ride the dangerous wind if you are. Ready to set sail?

- Robert Rose

[email protected]

"We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started. And know the place for the first time."

- T.S. Eliot