best horror movies...ever
Everyone knows that the horror genre can be traced way back to the 1800's, when Edgar Allan Poe used to drunkenly roam the town. So what is his legacy? The Conqueror Worm brings you our top hits for most frequently discussed and popular horror movies through the ages.
Horror movies has been around for almost as long as movies have been made. Before looking at the horror movie it may be best to look into horror in literature. Knowing this can help our understanding of horror films and where they come from. Horror in literature left a legacy that helped to propel this genre into films. If there had not been such a legacy of literary works then we may not have the same movies we do now. The term horror was first coined in 1764 in a book by Horace Walpole's called The Castle of Otranto which was full of the supernatural. In the following centuries literary giants like Edgar Allan Poe championed this genre with great works like The Raven. Some of the great horror movies of today are based on old horror stories like Frankenstein and Dracula which were both written in the 1800's.