The Connection Magazine AIM MUTUAL Spring 2019 | Page 5
Feature story
Building A Brand
Workers’ Comp Rates Decreased
Why Did My Premium Increase? 3
Letter From The President & CEO 5
The Safety Crisis In Construction
When The Boss Says “No!”
The Choice Of Being Successful 8
Restorative Leadership 12
Staying On Top 14
In Pursuit Of Excellence
Brand Endearment 16
Conversational Blind Spots 22
Personality Tests 24
The Cases That Stay With You 25
Policyholder Spotlight:
At Harpoon, Workplace Safety Is On Tap
Who Knew Premium Audit Was A Thing?
Internships In Workers’ Compensation 28
Patient Advocacy:
The Injured Worker 30
The year 2019 marks the 30th anniversary
of the founding of A.I.M. Mutual
Insurance Companies, and we have a
lot to celebrate. In our 30 years, our
reputation has been paramount, and
we pride ourselves on our position
in the market and the relationships
we have built with our brokers and
policyholders. We have recently
expanded to our fifth state—
Maine—and look forward to additional
growth in the region. As an employer, we
have once again been named a Best Place to
Work in Insurance, and our own wellness programs
continue to be nationally recognized, most recently by the American Heart
In this issue of The Connection, we reflect on years past and look toward
our future. Growth and branding go hand-in-hand, and that led us to the brand
refresh now under way. Our new logo underscores our broker and policyholder
relationships, while our tagline—“First, we listen”—evolves from our service
excellence model. We talk more about these marketing decisions in our feature
article on page 6.
Accident prevention and the injured worker’s experience are always at the
forefront in our organization. Despite an overall decline in workplace injury rates,
construction claims remain cause for concern. Injury Prevention & Worksite
Wellness Consultant Jon Kokoszka discusses how planning ahead and providing
the right equipment to employees can help to mitigate those risks. Sebastian
Grasso, President & CEO of Windham Group, highlights the impact patient
advocacy has in reducing claim costs and promoting a successful return to work.
In our policyholder spotlight, we welcome Mass Bay Brewing Company, parent
company to Harpoon Brewery, an icon in Boston’s Seaport district. Richard
Ackerman, AVP of Human Resources, provides insight into workers’ compensation
strategies that have contributed to their successful employee-owned organization.
Our own HR Recruiter and Learning Development Specialist, Mark Millett,
discusses the value of internships in our organization and marketing the insurance
industry to a new generation. We also hear firsthand from premium audit interns
Erica Chin and Silvia Huang about their experience with us. In a multipart series, our
Claim supervisors recount the cases that have stayed with them and today serve as
valuable teaching tools. And finally, putting industry trends in perspective for us is
Heather Kortenkaemper, Financial Analyst, who takes a close look at the workers’
compensation rate environment.
As always, it’s our collaborative spirit that helps A.I.M. Mutual Insurance thrive. As
we reflect on our time in the industry, we look ahead to many more years of growth,
innovation, and dedicated service. But first, we listen.
Michael E. Standing
President & CEO, A.I.M. Mutual Insurance Companies