Job Fit Accommodation
Windham Group has a proprietary network of 400 + Work Environment Ergo / Risk Mitigation specialists nationwide . Our specialists are ready to assist you in all work environments , in every state of the continental United States .
Innovative Solutions
Our Job Fit Accommodation program is an ergonomic Return-to- Work solution that restores an injured worker ’ s quality of life and productivity by returning them to work at their original employer .
When dealing with cumulative trauma or musculoskeletal claims , have you ever asked yourself : Why isn ’ t this injured worker back to work yet ? Why won ’ t the treating physician provide a work capacity ( restrictions )? Why doesn ’ t the employer take the injured worker back with restrictions ? Chances are the solution to these questions lies in the work environment itself .
RTWServices @ windhamgroup . com windhamgroup . com 800.898.0386
Helping kids thrive .
We provide local children in need with essential items — clothing , shoes , coats , and more .
You can help . Volunteer , donate items , or provide financial support .
cradlestocrayons . org / boston