The Connection Between the Reservation and the Outside World Volume 1 | Page 10



As a result of deep poverty inside the reservations, law enforcement outside the reservations is obstructed by the natives' inability to pay bills, debts and any form of services that require financial contribution. The federal government and relief agencies try to cope with the financial problems of reservations and law enforcement connected to it, but it is still hard to cover every expense of the livelihood of American Indians.

Main problems inside the reservations

Crime rates inside the reservations are also high in many cases due to problems linked to alcoholism and sometimes even tourism. The handling of these court cases is always very difficult, as the involvement of cultural differences and the autonomy of the reservation also prevent the easy course of these affairs. Nevertheless, usually these cases are very complicated because of the differences between the tradition of justice inside and outside the reservation, and sometimes the involvement of police only makes things worse. Thus, the question of law-enforcement is a rather negative type of connection between the federal government and the reservation. However, it is self-explanatory that this kind of intervention may be necessary sometimes to ensure equal rights of citizens .

Law enforcement

Reducing crime rates is

top priority nowadays

Alderwood totem pole with raven, kingfisher, and man with

halibut figures