The Congo Project October 2013 | Page 7

Physical Properties

The melting point for Tantalum is 3017°C, or 5462.6 °F. The boiling point is 5458°C, or 9856°F. Tantalum is able to conduct heat. Tantalum is usually found as a solid. It is a key component in cell phones, and most electronics.

In the DRC, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tantalum, and other minerals are mined with the help of forced labor. From there, the mined Tantalum is sold to processing companies where they refine the tantalum in order to prepare it for its use in different technologies. After it is refine, the refineries then sell the refined Tantalum to manufacturers who are responsible for constructing different technologies. For examples, manufactures such as Nokia and Intel.

Process to Mine and Refine