The Cone Issue#3 Autumn 2014 | Page 61

Eat In Mexico #3 – The little diner across the plaza of the Mayan “church” in San Juan Chamula, Chiapas. ! Mexico City, a few chums joined me to visit El Chino in the After small colonial town in Chiapas called San Cristobal de las Casas. What a pretty little burg this is. And not as isolated as one would think. We were able to watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones via internet AND catch the Pacquiao fight at a local bar. Of course, Rock recommended that we venture out beyond the town limits, hop onto a collectivo and head over to the even littler town of Chamula. He said that it’s one of many little Zapatista strongholds where anyone affiliated with the Mexican government (including cops) could never, ever enter. I. Could. Not. Wait. ! uh, one more thing,” El Chino slipped in sheepishly, “pick up “And, a couple of bottles of pox for me – okthanksbye?” Sneaky bastard. Pox (pronounced “posh”) is the Chiapas version of hooch made from distilled sugar cane. After a short-long minibus ride through the mountains, my buddies and I arrived at Chamula. Definitely a defiant vibe to the place. ! checked out the “church.” No photos were allowed inside, but We Huarache Mayan Church 61 THE CONE - ISSUE #3 - AUTUM 8