From the Editor’s Desk
“The music you listen to is the soundtrack of your life.”
A friend of mine said that the other day and up to that moment
I hadn’t really thought about the music that I listen to in quite
that way. Of course it really is quite that simple, but what does
that mean in a larger context? Does it really mean anything?
These questions may only be able to be answered by the
individual, for music means different things to different people;
is used in different ways by different people and ultimately holds
a place in each persons life in a very unique way. One thing is for
sure music has been with us in one shape or form
since early man learned to mimic the sounds of nature
and to keep a beat. As a musician, music has been a
part of my life from a very young age and has grown
and changed with me over the years. So when it came
time to think of the loose theme for the Winter Issue,
music was there at the forefront. So in addition to our
usual Cone fare we will spotlight some musicians,
read some music themed poetry and learn how sound
can signal a personal realization. Our photo essay this
issue will take us to India and we’ll also give you a
quick and tasty recipe for a cold Winter’s eve. So to
those of you who have ever made a mixed cassette
tape for a girl or boy you had a crush on, to all of
those who have toiled in dimly lit rooms tweaking
bass lines and sweating over the sound decay of a
room, to the vinyl vanguard who have stayed the
course and given that medium a rebirth, I salute you
and all that you do to keep the beat alive!
Photo by D!gby