The Compass Winter 2024 | Page 5

that was learned was used to create something that did not exist before . Today , Baylor Scott & White has the premier uterus transplant program in the world . We are the undisputed number one — not only because we have delivered more babies than anybody else , but also because we have contributed so much to the science behind uterus transplant .

Grand Rounds Rakes in the Green

Golfers raise nearly $ 300,000 for medical education at Baylor Scott & White .

Through philanthropy , how does Baylor Scott & White benefit from graduate medical education programs ? Dr . Testa : Supporting fellows within a surgical subspecialty is fundamental . These physicians not only bring new ideas and help you think outside the box , they go out into the world and create a ripple effect through their contributions and lives impacted . One day you go back and say , where did all this start ? ‘ It started at Baylor Scott & White because people invested in it .’ That is a legacy Baylor Scott & White is creating .
Dr . Hall : About 10 years ago , we launched our fellowship program at Baylor Scott & White with a passion for training fellows — not about the past , but about the future . As our heart transplant program grew , we sought out people with diverse perspectives to expand our team . The main challenge in this field is securing funding for training . My goal is to establish an endowment for the heart failure transplant training program , so we can dedicate our energy to educating and igniting passion in future leaders , rather than focusing on financial constraints . ore than 200 golfers enjoyed a beautiful day of golfing at the 22nd Annual Grand Rounds ® Golf Tournament , presented by Bank of Texas and hosted at the Dallas Country Club . The event raised more than $ 275,000 to support graduate medical education ( GME ) at Baylor Scott & White Health . Since the inaugural tournament , Grand Rounds has raised nearly $ 4 million to benefit medical education at Baylor Scott & White Health – North Texas .
The need for increasing the physician workforce is critical as Texas faces a shortage of 10,000 physicians by 2032 . This crisis is expected to worsen as the population of older adults grows and current physicians retire — more than 2 of 5 currently active U . S . physicians will be 65 or older within the next decade , according to the Association of American Medical Colleges . The issue is exacerbated by the limited number of residency positions nationwide , which are needed to train qualified medical school graduates .
For many Grand Rounds sponsors and donors , motivation comes from the knowledge that Baylor Scott & White doesn ’ t just train doctors — it shapes the country ’ s future physician leaders . In the next 10 years , Baylor University Medical Center will train more than 3,000 physicians . The impact this program will have on the future health and well-being of our communities cannot be underestimated — according to recent statistics , 65 % of residents and fellows who train in Texas remain in Texas to provide care for its citizens .
“ Grand Rounds was designed to build awareness about the importance of graduate medical education , and we ’ ve succeeded in that mission ,” said Norm Bagwell , board chair for Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation . “ Many of our golfers and sponsors have contributed to this cause for years , supporting Baylor Scott & White ’ s efforts to recruit the best and brightest physicians to address our community ’ s healthcare needs .”
For more information on how you can support this important work , please contact Courtney Stoutimore at 214.820.7410 or Courtney . Stoutimore @ BSWHealth . org .
How has Baylor Scott & White impacted the future of transplantation , through research , care and policy advancements ? Dr . Testa : With funding , we can have an impact in the way the distribution of organs occurs . One of my colleagues in abdominal transplantation , Dr . Anji Wall , does philanthropically funded work to advance transplantation separate from her clinical care . She spearheaded a new way of donation in the United States , normothermic regional perfusion , a different way of approaching deceased donors that allows us to maintain organs in much better shape . That ’ s given excellent results , and she ’ s became the point of reference for this in the entire country . That ’ s an example of how supporting education and academia gives tangible results and return on investment .
Bank of Texas team ( left to right ): Norm Bagwell , Dr . Andrew Dossett , David Hendrick and Jack Crews