Continued from pg 1
T. Boone Pickens
Unit, Apheresis Center, Oncology
Pharmacy, Infusion Center, Urgent Care
Unit and Processing Lab for stem cells
and bone marrow products.
The 96-bed, 175,000-square-foot
facility became the first dedicated cancer
hospital in North Texas. However, the
hospital distinguishes itself by more than
its patient volume: Like its namesake,
innovation is core to its success.
The hospital’s Oncology Evaluation
& Treatment Center (OETC)—the first
The T. Boone Pickens Cancer Hospital will remain a testament to the spirit of the great T. Boone Pickens
and only of its kind in Dallas-Fort Worth—
provides dedicated emergency care for available on holidays and weekends, quality and reduce costs at the same time,
oncology patients in need 24 hours a day. are critical for patients whose schedules which is essential for our country moving
Patients, many with weakened immune make it difficult to receive infusions forward,” Pickens said in 2012. “I’m proud to
systems, are grateful that they have during regular office hours. For patients have my name associated with them.”
the center as an alternative to being whose regular office hours are in the exposed to infectious diseases in standard daytime, the option to sleep in the private Pickens’ will forever be remembered,”
emergency rooms. Evidence has proven rooms while infusing during the night Robinson said. “We are grateful to have a
the OETC is a safe environment where offers the opportunity to maintain a part of his legacy here with us, one that
cancer patients can receive quality care normal work pattern. will benefit patients and families in Texas
in a shorter amount of time.
Next to the OETC is another innovative
Pickens was pleased with the
“A spirit as large as that of T. Boone
for decades to come.”
opportunity to help patients and their
offering of the hospital: the Infusion Center, families with their cancer journey at For more information on how you can
offering the convenience of around-the- Baylor Scott & White. support the BSW Pickens Cancer Hospital,
clock access to blood transfusions, as well “These unique programs at Baylor contact Tim Moore at 214.820.7877
as hydration, chemotherapy and biological Pickens Cancer Hospital are tremendous or [email protected].
therapy infusions. These services, all examples of how health care can improve on the contrary, how did their neighbors and options to be proactive participants in
get so unlucky? their health. The High-risk Breast Program
For families battling disease,
Letter from
the Chair
is a perfect example. The hope is that by
catastrophic injury or a cancer diagnosis, providing personalized information and
it can often seem like the diagnosis came guidance to women who could be at
out of nowhere. Many are left asking “How higher risk for breast cancer, we can help
could this have happened?” or maybe these patients prepare and take action,
more commonly, “Why me and my family?” should they fall in the path of a storm.
As with a tornado, there are often no
My sincere wish, however, is that none
clear answers to why some are not impacted of you encounter unexpected storms of
and others take a direct hit. While we can health as we prepare for a new year. Just
all take steps to lead healthier lives, there know that Baylor Scott & White is well
When tornadoes tore through North Dallas will always be factors out of our control that prepared to help you navigate the path to
this October, they left a path of devastation can impact our health in the future. recovery if you do.
in their wake, impacting thousands of our
friends, family members and colleagues.
While meteorologists can identify
With this unpredictability, I am happy
to know that Baylor Scott & White is thanks for making Baylor Scott & White the
taking proactive steps to help prepare for bastion of health and recovery for so many.
conditions that are likely to lead to whatever may lie ahead in health care. This
severe storms and issue warnings when fall, I spent the day with the System board
conditions are right for the development of and members of the leadership team. I was
tornadoes, precise tracking and prediction impressed with our focus on governance,
of tornadoes is not yet a reality. the investments being made in technology,
I’m always struck by photos of the
aftermath—seeing an entire neighborhood
Blessings for your 2020 and many
and the financial strength of the System.
In addition to steps being taken to
destroyed, with one or two homes strengthen our System as a whole, BSWH is
standing, seemingly unscathed. What continuously looking for ways to help arm
was it that spared those families, or patients with better diagnoses, treatments
Norm Bagwell
Chair, Board of Directors
Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation
To learn more about any Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation initiative, contact the Foundation at 214.820.3136 or
email DallasFoundation@ BSWH Write to us at 3600 Gaston Avenue, Barnett Tower Suite 100 , Dallas, TX 75246-1800 .