Game on
Baylor Scott & White Sports
Therapy & Research at The Star
aims to make movement safer
hen Baylor Scott & White Sports access to expertise, equipment and
Therapy & Research at The Star services used by elite athletes.
opened this summer at the Dallas
“Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy
Cowboys World Headquarters in Frisco, & Research at The Star represents our
Texas, it introduced a game-changing commitment to preventing illness and
strategy for improving the well-being injuries before they happen,” Jim Hinton,
of athletes of all ages and performance CEO of Baylor Scott & White Health,
levels. Everyone — from elite-level athletes noted. “The goal of this collaboration
to students — finds themselves on a level with the Dallas Cowboys and Frisco ISD
playing field here, with safety, research, is to improve sports safety for athletes
innovation and care on their side. of all levels. This facility uses technology
This first-of-its-kind collaboration
to help athletes understand, monitor
between a health system, an NFL team and improve performance, and offers a
and a school district is evident in the comprehensive approach to diagnosis,
300,000-square-foot medical and sports treatment and recovery.”
performance complex. This multi-specialty
Anyone’s game can be improved at
facility focuses on sports performance Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy &
and injury prevention, giving patients Research at The Star, whether you are a
Inside this issue
for symptoms like joint pain. Care teams
consider anyone who moves an athlete.
Promoting wellness, preventing injury,
treating patients with a team approach
and continuously improving care through
research are key tenets of the various
Continued on pg 5
From the Chair
Focus On: Research
Dr. Joyce
News, Projects & Campaigns
Our New Baylor Scott &
White Dallas Foundation
professional athlete, a weekend warrior or
someone who simply wants to get help
From the President
Board Members
Big Data and BSWH
2018 Celebrating Women
17th Annual Grand Rounds
Golf Tournament
Baylor Scott & White
and Memorial Hermann