“You need to see this and be part of it.”
Scott & White not only saved my life, diverticulitis, a fairly common condition but changed it,” Mr. Whittington says. in which food becomes trapped in “Tomorrow morning, I’m going to wake up small pouches along the intestinal lining, about Baylor Scott & White,” Mr.
and watch the deer run along the fence. causing infection. Although most cases Whittington says. “It’s not just the people
Whatever happens after that is fine. But of diverticulitis are easily treated, Mr. or the equipment. God truly lives there,
that is going to be the greatest part of my Whittington’s was severe enough to and I just want people to see that. For
day—because I woke up.” require surgery. the people who donate money, this is
“There is truly something amazing
“It turns out that section had been why you need to give. For the people
perforating and leaking for at least a year. who can donate their time, this is why
I have a very high tolerance to pain, so I you need to be there. You need to see
sufficiently, he underwent procedures hadn’t realized it,” Mr. Whittington says. this and be part of it. There’s so much
to investigate a lump found on his “My doctor said it would have probably there that will give back to you.”
colon during the initial full-body burst in the next few months, and there’s scans following his accident. He had a good chance I could have died.”
“They saved my life twice.”
Once Mr. Whittington recovered
Life Savings, Saving Lives
The IRA Charitable Rollover
ou’ve spent a lifetime saving your visit more comfortable, naming
for the future. What if you could opportunities for qualifying irrevocable
take care of yourself and still gifts, and invitation to selected events.
help others?
In 2015 the IRA Charitable Rollover
was made permanent by law, allowing
A gift of honor and gratitude
Having both lost a parent to cancer,
individuals over 70 ½ to make direct Gina and Steve Fought could not pass
distributions on a tax-free basis from up the opportunity to help other cancer
their traditional or Roth IRAs to qualified patients in their community.
charities, such as Baylor Scott & White
Central Texas Foundation.
“Getting care was very tough on my
parents when my dad was sick in the
1980s,” Mr. Fought recalls. “My mom had
Benefits to donors
to shuttle my dad between Austin, San
You may transfer up to $100,000 Antonio, and Houston to piece together
annually with no federal tax on the the care he needed. Had there been a
transfer amount. one-stop cancer center near my parents
Transfers count toward the IRA when my dad was sick, life would have
“required minimum distribution” in the been much easier for them.”
year of the gift.
In 2016, the Foughts designated a gift
Gina and Steve Fought. Mr. Fought serves on the
Georgetown City Council.
You may reduce your taxable income, from his IRA to the Baylor Scott & White cancer center to honor our parents,
even if you do not itemize deductions. Cancer Center - Round Rock in memory express gratitude for the excellent care
At Baylor Scott & White Health, every of their parents. we’ve received over the years, and to do
dollar you give directly benefits the
“It was so simple,” says Mr. Fought.
good for the community,” Mr. Fought says.
program or project you specify. “I just filled out a standard form with my You’ll be invited to participate IRA holder and a check was sent directly in the Cornerstone Society, a to the Baylor Scott & White Central Texas your IRA account to make the most of your
program paying tribute to donors Foundation. Since you never touch the charitable giving, please contact Jordan
who have invested in the future withdrawal as income, no tax is paid.” Castillo, director of major and planned gifts,
of comprehensive, quality health
The Foughts’ IRA gifts have funded
care through Baylor Scott & White several programs to enhance the care
Central Texas Foundation. Benefits and support cancer patients receive. “We
include personal services to make wanted to be a part of this comprehensive
To learn more about how you can use
at 254-899-3776.