May 7 marked the
groundbreaking for
the American Cancer
Society Gene and
Jerry Jones Family
Hope Lodge.
Inside this issue
n May 7, Baylor Scott & White and community investments, the Jones Health and the American Cancer family has had a far-reaching impact in Society held a groundbreaking North Texas. Their support of Hope Lodge Departments
ceremony and major gift announcement in Dallas will extend that reach and make for a Hope Lodge facility in Dallas. a difference in the lives of those traveling 2 From the President
5 From the CEO
12 From the Chair
In recognition of their lead gift, the
to the region for their cancer care,” said
facility will be named the Gene and Jerry Rowland K. Robinson, president of Baylor
Jones Family Hope Lodge. It will offer Scott & White Dallas Foundation. “Together
cancer patients and their caregivers a with ACS and with the support of all our
comfortable home away from home when generous donors, Hope Lodge will soon be
Focus On: Research
a reality for North Texas,
Dr. Ronan
and we are so grateful.”
“The American Cancer Society
is committed to removing the
emotional, physical and financial
burdens that many cancer patients
must face when they travel away
from home for treatment.”
— Jeff Fehlis
Each year, thousands
of cancer patients
travel from throughout
the region to receive
potentially lifesaving
cancer treatments from
a variety of facilities
in North Texas. Often,
patients and their families
spend days, weeks, even
months away from home.
they have to travel to receive care from any The combined emotional and financial toll
of North Texas’ premier medical centers. of the loss of income, medical bills, hotel
“Through their decades of business rooms and dining out can be staggering.
Continued on pg 4
10 Clinical Trials
News, Projects & Campaigns
The Steen Family Gift
Building Hope: Hope Lodge
Groundbreaking Event
The York Family Gift
The Moody Foundation Gift
The Horner Family Gift
The Shapard Family Gift