The Compass Spring 2021 | Page 6


The Answer to Successfully Treating Cancer Lies Within

Landmark cancer biorepository launched at Baylor Scott & White helps researchers partner with patients to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how their immune system is fighting cancer and may provide an opportunity to develop new immunotherapy treatments .

he COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the public ’ s interest in the body ’ s immune system . In the medical community , the study of immunology is leading to some of the most exciting treatments yet found for cancer . Immunotherapy , using one ’ s own immune system to recognize and fight cancer cells , has emerged as one of the most promising fields in translational cancer research and treatment .
Baylor Scott & White Health looks to foster transformational immunology research that can lead to earlier diagnoses and novel immunotherapies through the new Texas Immuno-Oncology Biorepository ( TIOB ), a project spearheaded by Ronan Kelly , MD , MBA , chief of oncology for the North Texas Division of Baylor Scott & White Health and the W . W . Caruth , Jr . Chair in Immunology at the Baylor Scott & White Research Institute . Launched in September 2020 , the TIOB aims to improve our understanding of how our immune system fights cancer by collecting biological samples , including blood , urine , tissue and stool , from actual patients across a range of genomic , racial and social backgrounds . Samples will be collected longitudinally over time , both during treatment and after treatment into long-term follow-up . TIOB is one of the only biorepositories specifically focused on immuno-oncology in the state of Texas and one of the most ambitious cancer research projects in the United States .
“ Some patients have a very strong immune response to cancer and , for others , their system is not successfully fighting the cancer ,” explained Dr . Kelly .
“ The TIOB was created to improve our understanding of how an immune system evolves over time to keep up with an everchanging tumor .” By tracking biomarkers in the bloodstream , reasearchers can study “ tiny little fragments that can break off from a tumor every day ,” Dr . Kelly said . Researchers could use this information to discover a patient ’ s cancer well before it is detectable on advanced imaging studies , which could be transformational for the field of oncology .
Because of Baylor Scott & White ’ s broad and substantial patient population and excellent clinical research infrastructure , the TIOB aspires to become an important resource for cancer researchers not only within the Baylor Scott & White system , but also for the greater cancer care community in Texas , the U . S . and beyond . The TIOB team has connected with multiple pharmaceutical and biotech companies , academic research centers and medical schools to discuss their potential participation in this project .
“ Everything we know in cancer is driven by the less than 5 percent of patients who are able to participate in clinical trials ,” Dr . Kelly explained . “ There is a great need for more information because we know cancer doesn ’ t discriminate and impacts patients from all backgrounds and ethnicities .
“ The TIOB was launched to say to everyone across Texas that you ’ re going to get quality , advanced treatment at Baylor Scott & White hospitals — but we also want to learn from patients . We don ’ t see this as a research project , we see this as a partnership with our
Dr . Ronan Kelly patients ,” Dr . Kelly said , explaining that the
TIOB is positioned to help both current and future patients .
As part of Baylor Scott & White Research Institute , the TIOB has access to unique resources , technology and expertise to support its operations . However , a project like this — one that is “ generational ” in scale — relies on forward-thinking philanthropic support to both exist and expand . The TIOB is being supported by the W . W . Caruth , Jr . Fund , an endowment in the Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation . This endowed fund was created in 2002 with a grant from the W . W . Caruth , Jr . Fund at Communities Foundation of Texas along with other donations . Dr . Kelly was recently announced as the new W . W . Caruth , Jr . Chair . “ Philanthropic support is absolutely essential . The timing is perfect to broaden the scope of this chair position ,” Dr . Kelly said . “ The whole world now knows the importance of our immune system in the fight against disease .
“ By giving medications that ‘ turn on ’ patients ’ underlying immune systems , we are seeing people who previously had received news associated with limited one-year survival rates now alive and well at five years with no evidence of disease . Many of these patients can now look forward to long-term survival , but we want this to happen for everyone and we are not there yet . The TIOB is an amazing opportunity for Baylor Scott & White to take that next quantum leap forward in treatment and care for patients battling cancer .”
For more information on how to support the TIOB , please contact Sarah Burdi at 214.820.4721 or Sarah . Burdi @ BSWHealth . org .