A DFW-first in Maternal Care
aylor University Medical Center
“This designation tells expectant
(BUMC) is the first hospital in mothers that we have the robust
Dallas-Fort Worth designated capabilities needed to handle all types
hospitals in Texas to have earned this
level of designation.”
as a Level IV maternal care center, the of situations that may arise before, For information on how you can support
highest possible designation by the during and after childbirth,” explains women’s and children’s initiatives at
Texas Department of State Health Kristine DeButy, director of nursing for Baylor Scott & White, contact
Services (DSHS). BUMC Women & Children’s Services. Melissa Dalton at 214.820.2705
“We’re thrilled to be one of only six or [email protected].
“It is our great honor and responsibility
to care for mothers and babies, and this
recognition is an example of how our
multidisciplinary staff continues to work
tirelessly for our patients,” says Steve
Newton, BUMC president. “Our maternal
care team continues to provide safe,
quality care while sharing resources,
Comprehensive care
Perinatal outreach
training and best practices with other
delivery sites across the metroplex.”
This newly established maternal
Thought leadership
BUMC has a dedicated team to provide services and training on safe delivery
practices to hospitals and birthing centers throughout the metroplex.
that encourages sharing best practices and innovation for the full spectrum
of birthing plans both within and outside of BUMC.
standards for women’s and children’s
Safe and efficient ground and flight transportation is available for mother
and baby from other hospitals during high-risk birthing situations.
The medical center offers technologically advanced simulation drills and
services programs in Texas to improve
maternal outcomes.
and postpartum patients and their babies.
A symbiotic relationship with physicians and nurses has been established
designation program was designed
by DSHS to create best-in-practice
The facility is recognized for providing comprehensive care for pregnant
Continued education
practices to prepare medical staff for all birthing conditions, helping to lower
poor maternal outcomes.
Health forward. In this issue, we hear from
Letter from
the Chair
Baylor Scott & White is the largest
Nick Reddy, chief digital officer, who tells not-for-profit healthcare system in Texas.
us how this System is moving forward by In 2019, we cared for more than 7.4 million
learning what its patients need, and then patients. We are listening and learning
building it for them by harnessing the best each day and working to enhance our
in digital technology. This resulted in the services for those we serve. Our System
MyBSWHealth healthcare app being rated continues to be a thought leader and is
as best in the country. well positioned to advance its research,
The innovation won’t stop there. As
digital capabilities progress at a rapid clip,
changes in options for care delivery and
methods and care delivery in the evolving
world of healthcare.
As one who is intellectually curious,
even the way our hospitals are run will be I find there is much to learn about Baylor
Life is a journey of learning, and every day greatly enhanced. To make the most of Scott & White. I encourage you to stay
brings us something new. Even the things these new offerings, I believe it is important connected and supportive as we pioneer
and people we consider familiar to us can for us all to engage and participate in the new frontiers in healthcare.
still astound. Baylor Scott & White Health is coming evolution of healthcare.
that way for me.
Continuous learning about their
Whether I experience the System patients and what they need drove clinical
through governance, advocacy or use teams to create the special Hispanic Heart
of its many services, I am in awe of our initiative, which you also see featured
capabilities, the quality of our team, and the in this issue. Understanding that specific
ability that team has to serve others. There populations have different propensities
is always something new to learn about the toward disease is key. Having a deep
excellence that this System delivers. understanding of the cultural and social
A desire to learn and innovate is
something that drives Baylor Scott & White
Thank you for your interest and support.
Norm Bagwell
Chair, Board of Directors
Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation
factors that impact how a person will get
care is equally critical.
To learn more about any Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation initiative, contact the Foundation at 214.820.3136 or
email DallasFoundation@ BSWH Write to us at 3600 Gaston Avenue, Barnett Tower Suite 100 , Dallas, TX 75246-1800 .