Continued from pg 1
one: Satish’s and Yasmin’s fathers both impact lives around the world. In addition
needed life-saving heart bypass pro- to research and education that will benefit
cedures in the early 1980s, a time when patients here, the funds will also allow
coronary bypass surgery was not available physicians from other countries to observe
in India. The young couple worked hard the advanced care provided here in Texas,
for the resources needed to bring their and then take that knowledge home to
fathers from India to Texas for treatments help those in need in their own countries.
that ultimately saved their lives. In 2003, It’s an investment in health, Satish and
Satish became aware of his own cardiac Yasmin say, that impacts people locally
symptoms and, working with physicians at while also helping people globally.
Baylor Scott & White Health, began to take
In addition to providing the funds
a proactive approach to his own health necessary to further these initiatives,
that he continues diligently to this day. the Gupta family will be directly involved.
Having facilities and caregivers Daughter Samantha Gupta Parmar, a
to provide quality care in their own healthcare professional, will serve on
community is an important gift that the a newly created committee to help
Gupta family is intent on sharing with direct the gift. Satish and Yasmin will
everyone in Texas. Additionally, they are also lend their business acumen and
passionate about sharing knowledge of personal commitment to this mission
how to take preventive heart health into to improve lives.
one’s own hands.
“We are hopeful that this gift made at
“We consider it a partnership with
From left: Samantha Gupta Parmar, Satish Gupta,
Rishi Parmar, Yasmin Gupta
care beyond the needs of your immediate
family and open your heart to giving,” she
sustainability,” Satish explained. “The said. “This is our way of saying thank you
the local level in our immediate community knowledge gained and shared through to the community that gave us a platform
will snowball into making a difference in research and education will live well for opportunity.”
healthcare for people around the country beyond all of us.”
and globally,” Yasmin stressed.
The Gupta family sees this gift as
Yasmin, echoing her husband’s
For more information on cardiovascular
sentiments, also relayed her wish for research and medical education initiatives,
an opportunity for a partnership with a others in the community to get involved contact Lynn Bohne at 214.820.4070 or
leading healthcare institution to positively at any level possible. “You have to have [email protected].
communities being developed regularly seem, both men have made healthcare
and bringing new prosperity with them. better at BSWH.
At Baylor Scott & White Health, we see
Letter from
the Chair
Millions of people make New Year’s
So, yes, change envelops us
a system that has extended far beyond everywhere we look. Whether it’s carried
its downtown Dallas roots to become out through sweeping proclamations
the largest not-for-profit provider of and resolutions, or in the imperceptible
healthcare in Texas. One vantage point changes that take place every day without
would translate that exponential growth notice, it’s happening in all our lives. We
as a departure from our community are changing. Our cities are changing.
hospital’s quaint beginnings. Another BSWH is changing. To progress, we are not
would say that growth is the requirement able to stand still.
for continuing to fulfill its mission.
From its beginnings, BSWH has
I am proud to be associated with
an organization like BSWH that remains
resolutions each year, hoping to initiate truly always been concerned with steadfast to its original calling yet is able
lasting positive change in their lives. The making healthcare better. And I take the to lead and embrace change for the
recurring themes often include a more perspective that this forward progress benefit of the communities we serve.
active approach to health and fitness, has never derailed us off our path.
improved finances, and learning new
In this edition of The Compass, there
things for personal and professional are profiles on David Burgher and on
development. Positive change appears to Dr. Michael DiMaio, scientist, entrepreneur
be the mutual constant for all of us. and clinician. David transitioned from
a successful business career to minister Norm Bagwell
the next generation attempt to improve to patients at the hospital until his Chair, Board of Directors
the world in which we live. In North Texas, recent retirement. Dr. DiMaio is driving the cities we see today often don’t change in the way we care for patients, resemble what we remember them today and in the future, by using artificial to be. We witness new businesses and intelligence. As different as their roles may
We are all getting older, and we see
Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation
To learn more about any Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation initiative, contact the Foundation at 214.820.3136 or
email DallasFoundation@ BSWH Write to us at 3600 Gaston Avenue, Barnett Tower Suite 100 , Dallas, TX 75246-1800 .