recovering from major surgeries.
Considering all the advances
in information technology, he
became frustrated with the
inability to use predictive analytics
to directly help patients.
“I thought, ‘How did we not
see this bed sore coming—how
did we not predict it’s going to
form?’” he asked.
Those questions led Dr.
DiMaio to investigate ways that
AI could directly impact patient
care—right now. By combining his
interest in new technology with
his deep experience in patient
care, Dr. DiMaio set out to find
answers. He decided to pursue
this interest in the intersection
between technology and patient
care to provide tools to clinicians,
and an even higher level of insight
and care for patients.
The new wound imaging
system is able to analyze blood
J. Michael DiMaio, MD
Chief of Staff, Baylor Scott & White The Heart
Hospitals – Denton, McKinney and Plano
flow to identify the boundaries
of dead, damaged and healthy
tissue—something extremely Michael DiMaio, MD, is chief of staff to the realization of what I wanted to do
difficult for the human eye to for Baylor Scott & White The Heart for a living. Once I saw a human heart, I
detect unassisted—to help Hospitals – Denton, McKinney and thought, “Now this is the coolest thing on
clinicians determine those almost Plano, as well as the medical director
unseeable differences. for Surgical Services, Research and
the planet.”
Education. He also serves as chairman What differentiates Baylor
Dr. DiMaio explains, as he de- of the Baylor Scott & White Dallas Scott & White Health from
scribes the painstaking process Foundation’s Cardiovascular Research other healthcare organizations?
of teaching a machine the Review Committee.
It’s all in teaching and learning,
A commitment to excellence and
massive amount of information After earning a medical degree true patient care—it is in the DNA of this
it requires to make the correct from the University of Miami, Dr. DiMaio institution. Sincere efforts happen here
distinctions between things. completed residencies in internal every day to have the highest quality
medicine, general surgery and cardio- and the most compassion—whether
to impact very real human lives thoracic surgery at Duke University it’s the concierge who greets you, the
seems to be the best decision any Medical Center. While at Duke, Dr. DiMaio people who feed you or the surgeons
computer—human or mechanical— also completed an NIH-sponsored surgical who operate on you.
can make. research fellowship focused on gene
Using “artificial” intelligence
therapy, immunology and transplantation.
Dr. DiMaio is also the founder and CEO
of an advanced health tech company that
How would you spend
an extra hour in your day?
I would read. I read incessantly—I am
has developed and obtained FDA approval constantly learning about everything
for two generations of advanced imaging from science and politics to medicine and
devices that use artificial intelligence interesting people. I’m a voracious reader;
algorithms for wound care management. if I have an hour, I am going to read.
Can you point to a life experience that How would you like to be remembered?
helped shape the way you think?
As someone who gave it his all. When
I worked between college and you do something, I believe that you do it
medical school. I started my own early- right, do it well and do it with your whole
stage company in medical diagnostics heart. Take care of patients like they are
and sold that. Then I worked for a your family.
pacemaker company, and that led me