board meeting. Prior technology revolu-
tions were about productivity. The next remain highly resolute and agile in our
revolution, featuring artificial intelligence, quest to be prepared to face the next
is about creating new, disruptive models wave of opportunities and challenges.
that will impact virtually all areas of our
Letter from
the President
We at Baylor Scott & White Health
These changes remind us of the old
lives. Mike shared with us some early-stage adage: Put your effort into controlling the
medical applications featuring AI. sail, not the wind.
As I was preparing for the board
meeting, I read AI Superpowers: China,
After 28 years in the Foundation and
Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, at age 87, David Burgher recently decided
a book by Dr. Kai-Fu Lee. to devote his energies to spending more
Dr. Lee states, “AI was formerly a field
time with Nancy, his wife of 63 years, and
As we accelerate into the new calendar that lived primarily in academic research year, The Compass reflects several labs, and there was no connection to our exciting initiatives underway at Baylor everyday lives. Today, major breakthroughs for years. His departure gave us an
Scott & White Health. in AI have finally yielded practical opportunity to celebrate him, his family,
applications that are poised to change and a life well lived and well loved.
The extraordinary Gupta family gift
reflects ambitious plans to achieve a global
impact on cardiovascular care for patients
tackling a stack of unread books.
David put the “blue in our flame”
the way we live and work.”
Speaking about medicine, he states,
and their families. The lens through “A clear example of human-AI symbiosis which these first-generation Americans can be found in the field of medicine. look reflects determined plans to have a I have little doubt that AI algorithms will positive impact, far beyond our region. eventually far surpass human doctors Rowland K. Robinson
in their ability to diagnose disease and President, Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation
Dr. Mike DiMaio presented at our February
recommend treatments.”
[email protected]
Heartfelt Appreciation
Physicians Acknowledge Hospital Leaders with Surprise Honor
utting your whole heart into special fundraising initiative from hospital something important to you is the colleagues honored the work of these the lobby named for Mark Valentine. It is a
best way to achieve great things. dedicated leaders that many say have welcoming space named after the man
In that vein, two individuals stand out helped shape a passionate culture dedi- whose leadership and collaboration with
for their commitment to Baylor Scott & cated to excellence in patient care. Over physicians helped bring a community-based
White The Heart Hospital – Plano. These 95 physicians participated in this effort, hospital to the forefront as one of the most
gentlemen have provided wholehearted which is approaching $2.5 million in gifts. renowned cardiac hospitals in the country.
leadership and support for the medical The new auditorium was named in
staff and the hospital’s employees since honor of Dr. Brown. The space will be used
Visitors to the hospital will be greeted in
At the unveiling, the gifts of eponymous
spaces were a surprise to both leaders.
the facility opened for lectures and other in 2007. David Brown, education initiatives the presentation because he was trying
for physicians and to help people get through the door. He
caregivers from North is always trying to help and do whatever
Texas and beyond. needs to be done,” Dr. Pettijohn said. “His
“Dr. Brown has always wife had to turn him around and explain
been a big advocate that we were talking about him!”
MD, president and
chairman of the
medical staff, and
Mark Valentine, the
hospital’s president,
were honored by
their peers for their
David Brown, MD, and
Mark Valentine were
honored at a ceremony
to unveil the hospital’s
new north tower.
for physician education
“Mark had his back to us as we began
Hospital physicians stated that the
and teaching the next accomplishments of Dr. Brown and Mark
dedication to generation,” Dennis Valentine cannot be emphasized enough.
helping the hospital Gable, MD, explained. The duo’s leadership inspires employees
grow and succeed, all while providing safe, Dr. Gable collaborated with Will Ryan, MD, with their vision for patient-centered, kind-
quality, compassionate care to its patients. and Trent Pettijohn, MD, to lead the hearted care. “I hope it will emphasize the
fundraising campaign, which will provide focus that we have had here from the very
hospital’s new north tower, Dr. Brown support for cardiovascular research and start—the highest quality and extraordinary
and Mark Valentine were recognized. A medical education initiatives. service for the patient,” Dr. Ryan expressed.
At a ceremony held to unveil the