The COMPASS Jan Issue | Page 14

We can use basic trigonometry to determine the distance from our eyes to an aim point . In the case of a three degree glide path , our G450 pilot ' s eyes will be 263 ' behind the aim point , which means the wheels will be 303 ' behind the aim point . In other words , if you are aiming for the five
hundred foot markers and don ' t flare , you wheels will just barely make the runway . Add a gust of wind or just a little deviation from glide path , you may not reach the runway at all . As can be seen , aircraft with flatter deck angles will touchdown considerably closer to their aim points . Aircraft Length
Impact on Look Down Angle Exercise What about longer aircraft ? The G550 is 7 ’ 2 ” longer than a G450 and its wheels are 5 ’ 11 ” further apart . While the aircraft have the same eye wheel height when in a threepoint attitude , the longer length translates to a higher pilot ’ s eye position when
8 | MDN | www . mdnvirtual . org | January Issue